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Watch Over Me (Danvers 7)

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Dominic jerked around to find a group of what looked like twenty women staring at him with more than a little interest. As if that wasn’t horrifying enough, he realized that there was no way they’d missed him staring at Gwen’s ass like a horny schoolboy. The only positive he could see in the situation was the avid interest in him had effectively killed the hard-on that Gwen had brought to life with her sexy swimsuit. “He sure is, Gladys.” Gwen laughed as she straightened to look at him. “Ready, sport?”

She didn’t verbally issue any kind of challenge, but he could see it in her eyes. She thought he was going to run. Hell, he wanted to, but there was no way that was happening. He was ex-military and worked security. He refused to be intimidated by some smirking women treading water in a pool. He straightened to his full six-foot-two height and motioned toward the steps. “After you, Red.” Gwen walked past him, and he almost groaned in misery. Letting her go first had been a mistake. Now all he could focus on was the sway of her hips as she took the steps into the pool. Dammit, he was sure she was moving slower than usual. He had no doubt that she knew exactly what she was doing to him.

When they finally took their place in the water, everyone went around saying their names. There was one other man in the group Dominic estimated to be in his sixties. He came over and clapped Dominic on the back, saying, “Hey, glad to see another man here.” They exchanged names and made small talk until the class started.

After the first fifteen minutes, Dominic knew two things with certainty. First, he wasn’t cut out for water dancing of any kind, and second, if drinking pool water killed you, then he was a dead man. He flailed, he fell, he splashed and generally made a complete ass out of himself. The only bright side was that Gwen had probably laughed more during the thirty-minute class than in the entire time he had known her. He was just getting back into place after an embarrassing side kick gone wrong when the instructor, Dolly, called out, “Dominic, why don’t you come to the front and be my partner for the next song.” Was she fucking kidding him? He looked at the gray-haired woman calling him out and wanted to curse over the attention that she had brought on him.

“Actually I think I should just stay back here,” he began, trying to gracefully decline.

She put her hands on her hips and shook her head. “Honey, you need to come on up here before you drown. It’s easier for a beginner to dance in shallow water. The deeper water is only for those who are more advanced.” Turning to Gwen who was trying her best to give him an innocent look, she added, “Gwen, didn’t you tell him how much harder it was in the deep end?”

Gwen shrugged her shoulder before patting him on the back. “I . . . must have forgotten that.”

He circled behind her on his way to the shallow end of the pool, reaching out to covertly pinch her butt as he passed. She yelped, splashing around less than gracefully. “You know what they say about paybacks, right?” he asked lightly as he moved away from her.

Dominic might not be Dancing with the Stars material, but the rest of the class was much easier in three feet of water. He still couldn’t believe that Gwen hadn’t told him. She must have been laughing her ass off as he splashed next to her, looking like Jaws on steroids.

He had to admit afterward that he’d actually enjoyed himself, for the most part. Dolly even told him that she hoped he’d come back. He thought most of the women had enjoyed the comic relief that he’d unwittingly provided. He shook hands with everyone as they exited the pool, waiting for Gwen, who seemed to be taking a long time to make it to the front. When she finally drew even with him, she had the good grace to look just a bit guilty. “Did you, um . . . enjoy the class?” she asked, as she studied the bottom of the pool.

He decided to have a little fun with her instead of drilling her about what she’d done. “I had a great time, baby. I can’t wait to do it again.”

Her head flew up as she sputtered, “Yo-you did?”

Throwing his arm around her, he hugged her against his side before helping her up the stairs and out of the pool. “Oh yeah, it was awesome. You’re right. It’s a great way to exercise and have fun. Maybe we’ll start coming together every morning.”

He took her arm, pulling her along when she stopped to stare at him. “We better get ready for work. I’ll wait for you out front if I finish first.” He dropped a kiss on her cheek and strolled into the locker room. A quick look back showed her still standing outside the door, looking stupefied.

Dominic took a quick shower and dressed in his standard work clothes. He saw no sign of Gwen as he made his way to the front lobby to wait. He was just checking his e-mail on his iPhone when a hand landed on his shoulder. He looked up with a smile expecting to see Gwen standing there. Instead, he was faced with two blond-haired women who looked as if they ate too little and exercised too much. He was also fairly certain that the overabundance of breasts barely contained by their skimpy tops were fake. Men knew that shit just by looking. Only his good manners kept him from jerking away when one of them rubbed her fingers along his biceps, purring, “Well, hi there, handsome. You must be new here because I would have remembered seeing you before.”

Dominic took a step back, trying to dislodge her hold on him. He had no problem with women taking charge from time to time in the bedroom, but an overly aggressive attempt at getting his attention did nothing for him. “I’ve been a member here for a while now,” he said politely.

The woman who continued to stroke his arm stepped closer to him while saying, “My name is Brandy, and this is my friend Misty.” He nodded his head at both women. When they looked at him expectantly, he grudgingly answered the unspoken question. “I’m Dominic. Nice to meet you.” He didn’t mean a word of it, but again, his mother had raised him to always be respectful of women if possible. Misty seemed content to let her friend Brandy do the talking while she stood twirling her hair and looking at him like he was her last meal.

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