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No Denying You (Danvers 5)

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Emma wanted to cringe for her friend. She knew that Beth would be horrified to learn what a blow a casual comment like that was to her sister right now. The smile that Suzy gave in response to Beth’s comment looked strained, so Emma jumped in, trying to save Suzy from the current line of conversation. “So, something happened while I was in Florida.” Well, shit, maybe some weather comment would have accomplished the same thing. All eyes were on her now as she gave a weak smile of her own.

Suzy squeezed her arm briefly in what she suspected was gratitude before asking, “Does this involve sex? God, I hope so!”

Emma now wished she had just kept her mouth shut. Could she really tell them about her weekend without it being blatantly obvious that she was in love with Brant? Maybe if she distracted them with her airline disaster, they might be too busy laughing to pick up on the rest.

“Well, let me start off by saying I ended up getting a last-minute root canal before I left, had a pretty major reaction to the painkillers and accidentally took my vibrator in my carry-on bag.” As everyone’s eyes bugged out, she continued. “My pain pills spilled out in my bag, stuck to the vibrator, and were detected by a drug-sniffing dog at the Miami International Airport. Brant was almost arrested because he was carrying the bag.” There was nothing but silence at the table for a full minute.

“No fucking way,” Claire whispered. Everyone’s head swiveled to her since it was rare to hear Claire use the F word.

“I couldn’t have said it better myself, Claire,” Suzy added, while Beth nodded in agreement. “You have got to explain the whole story.”

Emma went back from the beginning and by the time she was finished, there wasn’t a dry eye at the table. Ella laughed so hard that she finally had to excuse herself; she was terrified that her weak pregnancy bladder was going to cause her to pee on herself.

“Oh my God,” Suzy gasped out. “I wonder if we could get a copy of that security footage. I can just picture you on the floor wrestling a dog for your vibrator.”

“And can you just imagine Brant’s face?” Claire laughed. “I’m surprised he survived the experience.”

“The only way this could have possibly been any better was if Brant had ended up on the front page of the paper in cuffs standing next to Fido, the vibrator-sniffing dog!” Beth added.

“So how was the reunion?” Claire asked. “Things must have been pretty anticlimactic after the airport incident.”

Emma fidgeted in her seat, trying to decide how best to answer when she noticed Suzy watching her with interest. “Maybe you’re a little off on your spelling, Claire. Instead of climactic, maybe it’s more climax.”

Ella chose that moment to return from the restroom. “Who had a climax?” she asked. Emma felt her face redden along with Ella’s when she realized how loudly she had spoken. “Oh crap,” she murmured as she slid into her seat. “I didn’t mean for that to come out like that.”

“I don’t think anyone heard you,” Beth offered.

“Oh totally.” Suzy smirked. “At least a few people in the kitchen missed it.” Turning back toward Emma, she said, “So-o-o . . .”

This was it, Emma thought. She either lied to her friends or admitted the truth. Ah, good grief, she had never been big on hiding things, so why start now? “I slept with Brant a few times while we were gone.” There, the Band-Aid was ripped cleanly off; the truth was out there.

“No shit,” Suzy drawled. “Well, it’s about time! There was so much foreplay going on in that office, I left there hot and bothered a few times. You two should have gotten it on ages ago.”

“Boy, is that the truth,” Claire agreed. “I don’t see how you made it this long. It was obvious you two had some major chemistry. I have never seen two people more opposite, but more perfect for each other.”

Emma looked around in surprise to see both Beth and Ella nodding their agreement. “Am I the only one at this table who didn’t think I was hot for Brant because I have to say, I just really didn’t see it. I mean, I realize now that I have been in some denial about being attracted to him, but it truthfully never hit home until this weekend.”

“So . . .” Beth said. “How was it?”

“Freaking amazing,” Emma sighed. “The first time was like a fast explosion, the second time, I kind of attacked him and the third time was a joint outdoor venture.”

Raising a brow, Suzy said, “So this wasn’t a one-ride kind of thing?”

Beside her, Claire giggled. “I’d say there was definitely more than one ride there, Suz.”

Emma felt her face flush. She really wasn’t used to having her sex life front and center. She did need their advice, though, and to get that, she needed to be honest about what had happened. “It was . . . wow, for someone so reserved, Brant is amazing in bed. He throws his whole textbook mentality out the window and just . . . feels. I didn’t think he could possibly be any better after the first time, but it just got hotter. He’s also so . . . well, tender and adventurous. It wasn’t just like a one-night stand kind of sex; he was really caring afterward. Like he couldn’t get enough of touching me, even in a small way.”

“Oh wow,” Ella sighed dreamily. “I just love that. It must run in the family because Declan is the same way. He can be wild during sex, but then so loving afterward. Sometimes it’s hard to believe one man can be so many things.”

“That’s Jason, too,” Claire added. “He’s so completely focused and intense during, but afterward he just can’t stop touching me in some way. I’ll be falling asleep and he will still be running his fingertips up and down my arm, my spine and anything he can reach. It’s very sensual.”

Nodding her head, Suzy agreed. “I have to admit, that used to freak me out about Gray in the beginning. His need to always have some kind of physical contact with me. I never really had that with anyone before. My ex-fiancé just turned over and went to sleep afterward. I thought that was the way it was for everyone. It was almost as if Gray was invading my personal space the first few times. I loved having him close, but at the same time I wasn’t truly comfortable being the focus of that much attention. Now, it centers me. I wouldn’t know what to do without it.”

Raising her hand as if they were in a schoolroom, Beth asked, “Does Nick passing out on top of me afterward count?” Everyone started laughing. “Nick is amazing in bed, but since Henry keeps us up half the night now, instead of the marathon sessions we used to have, we’re more into short, hot bursts and then collapsing for an hour before we have to get up again.”

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