No Denying You (Danvers 5) - Page 39

Her eyes softened. “I’d like that. How about I cook dinner for us?”

Brant smiled, thinking the evening would sound even more promising if she hadn’t admitted to having her period this morning. What the hell, at this point he’d be happy to just spend time with her. They talked while he finished his lunch. He stood to give her a quick kiss of thanks just as Mark DeSanto walked in without warning. “Am I interrupting?” By the leer on his face, Brant could tell that the other man already knew the answer. He was surprised to see Emma looking flustered as she gave Mark a tight smile before walking out and shutting the door behind her.

“Was it something I said?” Mark laughed. Before Brant could answer, he added, “I guess that would be why she wasn’t interested in going out with me. I have to admit, I was puzzled.”

Brant was taken aback by his sudden desire to throttle his old friend. He had always gotten along well with him, although they had few things other than business in common. The only thing that surpassed Mark’s love of women was their love of him. Brant suspected women were probably drawn to the whole emotionally unavailable thing. Mark was rich, a fitness buff, and Brant could grudgingly admit that women probably found his dark looks attractive. In their course of business, he had been out socially with Mark before and while he was completely focused on business when it was important, as soon as the deal was over, he was looking to blow off some steam and that usually came in the form of a woman. Mark worked hard and he played harder.

He’d known him for years and in that time, there had never been a serious relationship in his life that Brant was aware of. Hell, he knew he wasn’t much better, but he had never dealt in the sheer quantity of women that his friend seemed to. He decided to ignore the line of questioning concerning Emma and change the subject. “Did we have a meeting today?”

Mark quirked a brow, seeming to notice the subject change. “No, we didn’t. I stopped by to drop off some paperwork with Jason and thought I’d see if you were free for lunch. I see you’ve already eaten, though. I don’t guess you’re free for a drink tonight either.”

Brant knew the last question was a challenge and he didn’t give a damn. If this had been business, he would have worked something out, but he wasn’t going to change his plans with Emma tonight just to prove something to Mark. He shuffled some papers on his desk, saying, “I’m tied up, sorry.” Brant silently cursed his choice of words, knowing exactly what Mark was picturing him doing with Emma now.

Mark was at the door before he turned to ask, “How’s Ava been? I was disappointed she couldn’t make it to dinner last night.”

“She’s fine.” At that, Mark finally smiled and walked out. Brant heard him talking to Emma for a few minutes before the outer door clicked shut. The last thing his sister needed was to get mixed up with Mark DeSanto. She didn’t need any more trauma in her life, and that was all someone like Mark would offer her. The one man she needed was Mac. Brant just hoped she opened her eyes and realized it before it was too late.

Chapter Sixteen

Emma opened the door to her apartment and felt her jaw drop open at the sight of Brant standing on her doorstep looking like the man she had fallen for in Florida. Gone were his work clothes and in their place were the cargo shorts and T-shirt that showcased his broad chest and muscular arms. In a suit, Brant looked good; in casual clothes, he was beyond handsome . . . incredibly hot. They both stood there uncertainly for a moment before he walked toward her and pushed the door shut behind him. God, she wanted him to kiss her.

It must have been written all over her face because suddenly he was there. His lips were on hers and his arms were encircling her waist. Her heart raced, her toes curled and her body hummed. Well, hello Mr. Florida, welcome back! When she felt his fingers pinch her nipple through her bra, she started pulling him toward the bedroom. She was desperate to rip his clothes off and run her hands all over his firmly chiseled body. “Em,” he groaned as he pulled her body tightly against his. She felt the firm ridge of his arousal pressed against her. She dropped her hand, palming and lightly squeezing his length. “Fuck,” he growled, pushing back against her.

“I need you inside me . . . now,” she whispered.

He had just literally ripped the shirt from her body when he froze. “Fuck . . . Damn it! Em, stop! We can’t . . . remember. . . .” He was taking deep breaths and trying to get himself back under control. She had no idea why he paused or what he was talking about and she knew she would probably explode if they stopped. She unclipped her bra and let the straps slide from her arms. She lifted Brant’s shirt and slowly, deliberately, rubbed her erect nipples against his hairy chest. He shuddered against her as if in physical pain. “Em . . . baby, I’ve never . . . um . . . you know . . . had sex like this.”

His words penetrated her sexual fog and she pulled back to look at him. “What are you talking about? Sex like what?”

He rubbed her shoulder almost consolingly as he shifted around nervously. What the hell was wrong with him? “During . . . that time of the month.”

She looked at him blankly before it hit her. Oh shit! She had told him this morning that she had been near his house looking for supplies for her period. Crap! What a tangled web you weave when first you practice to deceive. No kidding! “Oh, that’s finished,” she said before reaching for him again.

“Whoa, what?” He was clearly confused.

She couldn’t meet his gaze as she continued adding to the lie that had gotten her in this mess in the first place. “It was a false alarm. I was all crampy this morning and I thought it was, you know . . . coming, but nothing ever happened, so I guess I was wrong.” He was still giving her a skeptical look, so she decided that a distraction would be the only thing to save her and she went for it in a big way. She lifted the short skirt she was wearing and gave him an eyeful of what she was wearing underneath . . . nothing. She saw his face go blank and no more words were exchanged between them. He pushed her backward until her bed was against her knees. He paused only to strip off the rest of his clothes before following her down. She started to pull her skirt off when his hands stopped her.

“Don’t. I want to lift this skirt and fuck you. Do you have a problem with that?” Before she could answer, he grabbed the foil pack he had thrown on the bed and tore it open, rolling the condom down his length.

Tags: Sydney Landon Danvers Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024