No Denying You (Danvers 5) - Page 41

She smiled, seeming happy over the compliment. “Thanks, Brant, not just for that, but for everything. I know that I had no right at all to come to you and expect you to solve my problems after what I put you through.”

When he started to protest, she held up her hand. “No, just let me finish, please.” She took a deep breath and continued. “I was horrible to you. It doesn’t matter that I was strung out on drugs. I still knew what I was doing, at least in the beginning. I lied to you, I took money from your wallet on more than one occasion and I . . . God, I cheated on you, too.”

Brant shut his eyes briefly, finding that he could still feel a twinge of pain over her confession even though he didn’t love her anymore. He had suspected at the end that she was cheating, but hearing her confirm it was still a sucker punch to the gut. No man liked knowing that someone he loved had slept with another man during their time together, regardless of the circumstances. He rubbed the back of his neck, working on the knot of tension that had formed there.

“Lex, that was a long time ago. We’ve both moved on. Does it bother me? Sure, of course it does. But it’s in the past. If you’re looking for absolution, then I forgive you.”

“I’m not looking for forgiveness, Brant. I guess I just needed to come clean with you. Even though you probably knew what was going on for the most part, I still just walked away from you in a restaurant parking lot.”

Brant was afraid that the tears in her eyes would soon turn into full-blown sobbing if he didn’t stop the conversation that had left them both so uncomfortable. This wasn’t the time or place for this discussion. He leaned forward, getting her attention, and said, “Lex, stop doing this to yourself. It’s over now. I don’t hate you. You have far too much on your plate right now to rehash the past. If you want to do something for me, then take care of yourself. If you love Carter, then don’t waste time second-guessing yourself. Build a life for you and for him.”

She gave him a trembling smile. “That was the other thing I wanted to tell you. Carter called again last night and we talked everything out. I . . . still feel like he deserves better, but he promised me that he would let me know if it all became too much for him.”

Brant had a feeling that was a conversation that Alexia would never have to have with Carter. He seemed like a good man who was very much in love with the woman sitting in front of him. She took a deep breath and wiped the last moisture from her eyes. “So, back to my original question, would you like to have dinner tonight? Please don’t say no. We were friends before we were anything else, Brant, and I’d love one evening to catch up before I leave.”

He found himself agreeing for old times’ sake, even though he wasn’t completely comfortable with the idea. “Sure, that sounds great.” He jotted down the time and place she suggested and walked her to the door as Emma buzzed him for his last conference call of the day.

When he finished his call, Emma was waiting with her handbag to walk out with him. He wanted to take her hand but knew it wasn’t advisable to openly advertise their relationship at the office. He settled instead for a quick kiss in the elevator on the way to the lobby. No doubt the guys in security were having a laugh about it. As they exited the building, he saw Mac pulling up to the curb in his black Tahoe. He put his hand in the small of Emma’s back, leading her toward the other man.

Mac was one of the few men Brant found himself looking up to. He was also one of the few people who made him want to run that extra mile on the beach in the mornings. Mac was all hard muscle, and leaving the military hadn’t changed his dedication to physical fitness. In his line of work, he had to be observant, and Brant saw him take note of the possessive hand that he had on Emma’s waist. Even though he didn’t want to advertise their relationship to everyone at Danvers, he knew Mac could be trusted. The other man grinned at him before extending a hand. “Hey, man, we’ve run into each other a lot this week.”

“Yes, we have.” After Mac said hello to Emma, Brant asked, “Are you covering another shift today?” He was surprised and curious when Mac shifted uncomfortably.

“No . . . just picking someone up.” When Brant heard footsteps behind them, he turned, fully expecting to see his sister. Instead of Ava, a stranger with long red hair walked to Mac’s side. He was now closer to shocked when Mac slid his arm around the woman’s shoulders and gave her a quick kiss. Mac’s easygoing smile was back on his face, but Brant knew him well enough to see the strain behind it. “Brant, Emma, have you met Gwen Day? She works in marketing.”

“Er . . . no, I haven’t. Em?” Emma shook her head. After the introductions were made, a moment of awkward silence ensued. Brant was grateful when Emma stepped forward saying that she had to get home. Mac and Gwen walked toward his Tahoe while Emma took his hand and pulled him toward the parking garage.

“Yikes, was it my imagination or was that awkward as hell? I don’t know Mac that well other than the few times he has been by to visit you, but I always kind of assumed that he was involved with Ava in some way.”

Brant sighed as they reached Emma’s car. “It’s . . . complicated. Mac has been in love with her since we were kids, but Ava, well, she has issues. I always thought they would work it out in the end, though. I know she does love him in her own way. She just seems to have the Stone family curse of not being able to express herself.” When Emma started chuckling, Brant nudged her, saying, “Hey, no comment necessary.”

Emma smiled in return. “It looks like Mac is moving on. He wasn’t groping her or anything, but that wasn’t just a friendly embrace. Does your sister know?”

“I don’t know,” Brant admitted. “She has been acting funny lately, though. She and Mac are close in a distant way, if that makes sense, and I doubt that Mac could be dating and Ava not know about it. I should probably check in on her later.”

Emma trailed her hand across his ass, murmuring, “Speaking of later . . .”

Here it was, Brant thought, the moment of truth. Did he lie to make this easier or man up and tell the truth? Oh, how he wanted to take the easy way out and lie. “Babe, I kind of promised Alexia that I would have dinner with her tonight. She wanted to thank me for letting her stay at my place.”

When Emma just looked at him without saying anything, he stumbled on. “She’s working things out with her fiancé, Carter. She’s planning to move back in with him, so this is really more of a good-bye dinner.” When he moved in to kiss her, she gave him a brief peck on the lips that was the equivalent of being stiff-armed. “I’ll call you later?” Shit, his statement had come out more like a question. Nothing like having some confidence. She took her time getting in her car, almost as if she were waiting for him to add something more. When he didn’t, she waved once as she backed out. He might not be that experienced in relationships, especially successful ones, but even he knew he was in trouble.

Tags: Sydney Landon Danvers Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024