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The Middle Man (Professionals 6)

Page 43

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“She didn’t come to me-” I started.

“He just happened upon me while I was hiding out here,” Gemma said at the same time.

“Come again?” Quin asked, looking confused.

“I was paranoid, but not sure I had anything to be paranoid about. But, you know, I live alone. I was creeped out. So I was, ah, I was crashing here at night. I know, I know. I shouldn’t have been doing that. I had no right to use the codes and hide out without telling you, but…”

“Alright, that’s enough,” Quin said, cutting her off. “I don’t give a shit that you crashed here. That’s what this floor is for.”

“Yeah, but for clients and employees. I’m neither.”

“You’re family,” he corrected. “Moving on. What the fuck is going on?”

So then she launched into it, with the same choppy timeline, the same couple false notes that I couldn’t quite place, didn’t understand why she was still using.

I didn’t want to call her out in front of everyone, demand she tell all of us the whole truth. She would never trust me again if I did that. And if I wanted to pursue something with her–and I did–then we needed a base of trust to stand on.

“Alright. I will get Nia on Blairtown Chem. And this David fuck,” Quin declared when she was done. “For now, I think it is smart to hang here. I know it isn’t ideal, but it is the safest place. Companies like that one have all the money they need at their disposal to chase down people like you if they want to. I don’t want to take any risks. Kai and I will take Jules to your place to pick up some of your shit to make it more comfortable here for a while. And we will all take turns staying here with you.”

“I’ll stay,” I supplied, getting me a curious look from Quin. A look that was becoming familiar to me. Because Bellamy had given me the same damn one. One that said they didn’t approve. That maybe I didn’t deserve Gemma.

The thing was, I didn’t even disagree. I probably didn’t deserve her. But I wasn’t a big enough man to let that stop me.

“Bellamy will probably volunteer some nights too,” I added, leaving out the fact that even if he did, I would be staying as well, that I was invested, that there was no way I was going to leave her alone now.

“Oh, man, is everyone having a party without me?” Bellamy asked, walking out into the room, already dressed in a fucking suit. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out the man slept in one.

“What do you know about Blairtown Chem?” Quin asked.

Bellamy had proven himself useful in more ways than one. Having rubbed elbows with the rich and powerful for so long, he had an in to that world that none of the rest of us did. To those people, he was an insider. As such, carefully guarded secrets could be more easily shared.

“Phillip is a fucking tool. A puppet, really, for some of the more conniving people around there. He’s paid people like us to make sexual harassment claims disappear. Often.”

“Not surprising. He likes to grab ass whenever he can.”

“He what?” I snapped, making her head whip in my direction. “Why didn’t you tell me that?”

“It’s not that big of a deal.”

I’m not sure which of us exploded first, but we all seemed to gang up–her sister included–about how it was a big deal, how it was unacceptable, how she never should have needed to put up with it.

There was something almost defiant in her eyes as she stood there and took it, though. And defiant wasn’t what you expected in that moment. Or from Gemma at all.

I really needed to get her alone and get some more answers from her.

She was on the defensive with Quin and Bellamy and especially her big sister around.

Alone, though, she was more likely to let down her guards, to let you in.

“Alright,” Quin said, done lecturing. “Anything else about them? What about David?”

“I don’t personally know him. Much more private than Phillip. Doesn’t run in any of the circles. Nia would have better luck than I would.”

“We better get her on it, then,” Quin agreed, standing. “Come on, Jules. Let’s get this shit going. We will get you some of your stuff later this afternoon. If you need anything, you know where to find us,” he said, making his way to the door.

“Quin?” Gemma called.

“Yeah, babe?” he asked, half-turning back.

“Thank you.”

“You’re family,” he repeated. “You have nothing to thank me for.”

“Can I be as cool as Quin when I grow up?” Bellamy asked, shaking his head.

“You’re cool enough as you are. Who else can claim they have had lunch with actual princesses?” Gemma asked, giving him a smile.

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