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Until Cobi (Until Him 3)

Page 54

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Her face is soft as she asks, “And Cobi’s parents?”

“I love them,” I say easily. “Even if things between Cobi and I didn’t work out, I would want to keep in touch with them. His mom is sweet, and his dad is funny. I liked them instantly and love how they were together. I’ve never seen a couple who’s been together for years still happy after all that time, but they are. Really thinking about it, his uncles and their wives are the same. They are like some kind of family science experiment that went right instead of wrong.”

“I like that for you. I like the idea of you being with Cobi and having them too,” she says just as the waitress arrives at the table dropping off our orders.

“I like it too.” I pick up my sandwich then admit. “I’m also a little worried.”


“What if I get used to Cobi and his family and having all these great people around then things don’t work out between us and…” I’m left alone again? I don’t add.

“First, you’ll always have me and Ken.” She holds up one finger then adds another. “Second, if you’re constantly thinking about what could go wrong, you’re going to miss when things are going right. Just enjoy the moment. You told me yourself that you’re taking things one day at a time with Cobi so continue to do that, continue to enjoy what you’re building with him and don’t let what might happen affect it.”

“You’re right.”

“Um… when the hell have I ever been wrong?” she questions, tone faux indignant.

“Oh, I can think of a few times.”

I smirk at her and she mutters, “Whatever,” under her breath, making me laugh.

We dig into our food since we don’t have much time before we have to get back to the office. When we’re both just about finished, the waitress drops off the check and I start to dig into my bag for some cash, then stop when I hear. “You fucking bitch!” I look up and feel the color drain from my face. Mr. Shelp, Lisa and Eric’s dad, is standing just inside the door of the restaurant with his angry eyes on me. “You fucking bitch!” he repeats and Brie turns to look at him briefly before swinging her head back my way.

“Do you know him?”

“He’s the father of two of my kids who have recently been removed from his custody,” I tell her quietly.

“Fuck!” she hisses, understanding exactly what that means as he starts to storm toward our table.

A large man wearing a construction vest blocks his path and Mr. Shelp shoves him in the chest roaring. “Get out of my way! That bitch took my fucking kids from me.” He points directly at me and my pulse that was already beating hard starts to thunder as everyone in the place turns to look in my direction. Adrenalin rushes through my veins and fear fills my chest when he shoves the guy blocking him out of the way. I stand quickly and Brie does as well. When he gets to Brie, who’s closer to him than me, she tries to say something to him but he puts a hand to her chest and shoves her back into the booth. I glance at her, making sure she’s okay then focus on the man coming at me quickly.

“Mr. Shelp, you need to calm down and think about what you’re doing right now and how this could end up affecting your case to get your children back.”

“Do not fucking tell me what I should be doing.” He bears down on me, shoving his finger in my face, and I smell it then, the stale whiskey, he reeks like it’s coming from his pores. “You took my kids.” His hand moves so fast I don’t have time to prepare, and when his fingers wrap around my neck my eyes widen. I dig my nails into his arm trying to get free and stars start to fill my vision as his hold on my throat tightens. “I told you, bitch, I’d fucking hurt you!” I hear Brie shouting. I can hear commotion going on around me, but my eyes are glued to the bloodshot ones that are locked on mine as darkness starts to take over the outer edge of my vision. Suddenly the hold on my neck is gone and I collapse to the ground, my legs not strong enough to hold me up. I wrap my hands around my throat trying to breathe through the pain there. It feels almost impossible.

“Oh my God, Hadley, tell me you’re okay.” Brie comes into view taking my face in her hands. I try to focus on her but everything seems fuzzy like I took Nyquil but woke up before I got enough sleep. “Call an ambulance!” she screams, looking frantically behind her.

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