Until Cobi (Until Him 3) - Page 78

I swallow the sudden unexpected jealousy I’m feeling and really wish I hadn’t agreed to be her DD, because I don’t just need a drink; I need a whole bottle of tequila right now.

“Don’t do anything stupid,” I hiss, cutting her off and catching her gaze.

“Getting laid is not stupid. You’d know that if you ever tried it once in a while.”

I bite my tongue to keep myself from saying something mean then look around the room for a place to escape. The sign for the restroom is like a neon flashing light catching my attention. I get up. “I’ll be back,” I mumble, before I scurry away with my head down and my heart lodged in my throat.

Since growing up, my sisters and I have had a rule. If one of us likes a guy, he’s completely off limits, even if he’s not interested in whoever has a crush on him. That rule has saved us on more than one occasion, but now I wish the stupid rule didn’t exist. When I get to the restroom, I go to one of the stalls and stand there trying to get myself under control.

I know April, know she’s probably already made a move to talk to whoever he is, and know without a doubt that he will be interested, because I have never met a guy who isn’t interested in her. She’s beautiful, funny, and outgoing—three things I am not. I’m cute enough, can be funny when I’m with my friends or family, but it takes time for me to warm up to people I don’t know. I’m also the opposite of outgoing. I prefer books and laziness to getting out and having adventures. I have always been the same way.

After I know I’m not going to do something crazy like punch my sister in the face, I leave the bathroom and start to head toward the bar, figuring one glass of wine won’t hurt. I place my order with the bartender then lean into the wood bar top with my forearms.

“You’re Sage’s cousin, right?” a deep voice asks, and my hair stands on end while butterflies take flight in my stomach.

I don’t have to look to know it’s him speaking. Still, I tip my head way back to catch his gaze. Lord, save me. He’s tall and so beautiful. I thought I got that from across the room, but seeing him up close is something else.

“I think he told me you were.” His brows draw together over his dark eyes surrounded by thick lashes as I stare at him.

I mentally slap myself and force my mouth to start working. “Yes, I’m December.”

His brow relaxes and he leans into the bar next to me with his hip, crossing his arms over his chest. “Another month.” His eyes twinkle with humor.


“Met a July, June, May, and April. Now, December.”

At the mention of April, my stomach twists. “Our parents were keeping with a theme.” I pick up my wine and take a very unladylike gulp. Why didn’t I see him first?

“Gareth.” His hand comes my way. I don’t want to take it, really don’t want to, but my manners force me to place my hand in his. When his rough, warm strength envelops my hand, my breath sticks in my lungs. “It’s nice to meet you.”

I lick my lips, and whisper, “You too.” With my hand still held in his, his gaze searches mine. The intense look in his eyes makes me feel funny, makes me feel like he sees some part of me I don’t even know about.

“I thought you weren’t drinking.” My eyes close, blocking out Gareth, as April suddenly tosses her arm around my shoulders. “You’re such a rebel, drinking wine when you’re supposed to get me home safely.”

“It’s just one glass. I’ll be fine to drive you home later.” I open my eyes and turn my head to look at her.

“I know,” she agrees, looking at me, and then she looks at Gareth and smiles. “My sister is a good girl. She always follows the rules.”

God, I really wish that weren’t true.



WITH CHLOE FINALLY LATCHED onto my breast, I study her beautiful little face while gently rocking her. At just five days old, we’re still in the process of me getting used to breastfeeding, and her taking my breast. It’s been a learning curve, but I can honestly say there is something beautiful about having her take whatever she needs from me.

When she’s finally had her fill, I adjust my shirt before bringing her up to my shoulder and rubbing her back. I press my nose into the top of her head and breathe in her scent, closing my eyes. The rattle of dog tags catches my attention, and I smile when I see Maxim wander into the room. He’s been a trooper the last few days, between spending time at Cobi’s mom and dad’s while I was in the hospital giving birth, and coming home to a baby eating up most of his parents’ time.

Tags: Aurora Rose Reynolds Until Him Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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