Only One Night - The Fusion Universe - Page 32

“I’m nobody’s hero,” I tell her honestly, as I recall the moment that changed my life. When I decided never to love someone again, I knew I wasn’t a man who could save anyone, least of all those close to me.

“I’m sorry,” she says, shaking her head and turning her attention back to the window. There’s a serenity to her expression, as if all the fight has gone. “I spent my life around men who thought they were good, who believed that they were the be-all and end-all. But all they did was instill fear in those around them.”

“Your father?”

She nods. “Yes, exactly like my father. He allowed me to work on my trivial plans for a bakery, and when it turned a profit, he realized that he couldn’t rule over me anymore. His best friend is a dangerous man, a Capo in all sense of the word. They made a deal to arrange a marriage to one of their rivals, wanting to join forces to be stronger, to rule more of the country.”

“But you ran?”

“No, I went to Marco, and I talked to him. I found him to be rather charming. He allowed me to state my case. Thankfully, he understood, and he wasn’t interested in me anyway.”

“Why are you telling me this now?” The question hangs between us. My gaze is locked on Elisabet as she purses her lips, then takes the last sip of her wine before she turns to me.

“Because I was stupid enough to think I could hide from you, but the more time I spend with you, I realize that lies and secrets have a way of coming out.”

“Do they?” I arch a brow as I question her. “Because you could’ve walked away and left Portland.”

“Yes, I could’ve, but then I wouldn’t know what it’s like to feel what I’m feeling at the moment. And also, I’m tired of running. There is only so long you can hide from your past before it catches up to you.”

Her words spear me right through the chest. She’s right, but I can’t bring myself to tell her about my own demons. My mouth opens, but nothing comes out. I want nothing more than for her to want me, all of me, but the pain of what happened still haunts me to this day. And I know it will always be there.

“I know you have your own ghosts, Rome. And I don’t expect you to tell me what they are. It’s not easy to live with things that have hurt you,” Elisabet says before dropping her feet to the cool tiles. She shifts, so she’s sitting facing me. I’m still on the floor, kneeling between her open thighs. “Perhaps I can be the one to make you forget. Even if it’s only for a short time. I’m not asking for love, for a ring. I’m old enough and stupid enough to know that men like you don’t offer those things. But for now, give me the pleasure that I know you can bestow on me, and we’ll forget this conversation.”

Chapter 20


The sun is already streaming through the windows when I open my eyes. The soft, cotton sheet is draped over my naked body, and I know I’m alone. I can’t feel Rome behind me. I open my eyes, feeling the heaviness of last night’s confession still weighing on my mind.

Sighing, I push the sheet off and roll over. A moment later, Rome saunters into the bedroom wearing a pair of gray sweatpants that hang low on his hips. The V dipped into the waistband catches my attention, along with the smooth, tanned skin that looks like it’s been chiseled to make women lose their minds. I knew his body was beautiful, but seeing him in the golden light of day makes him seem ethereal.

“Good morning,” Rome says with a smile. I finally drag my hungry gaze away from his toned torso to the mug he’s holding. “I made some coffee.”

“And you got a change of clothes?” I ask, scooting up in bed. My back flush against the headboard, I tug the sheet to cover my breasts.

“Yeah,” he says, lowering his gaze to the carpet as he makes his way toward me. When he reaches my side of the bed, he sets the mug on the nightstand before pressing a kiss to my forehead. “My apartment upstairs still has some things from when I lived here.”

“Why don’t you live here anymore?”

He doesn’t respond, not immediately. I wait, and I’m gifted with his smile. “There are so many things that you don’t know about me, but I think it’s better if I show you.” Rome meets my gaze, and I see the pained expression painted on his handsome face.


“Not just yet. Finish your coffee, and I’m making breakfast, then we can venture into my past.”

Tags: Dani Rene Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024