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Only One Night - The Fusion Universe

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Once I’m alone, I focus on the warm water, bubbles, and the gentle fragrances that calm me. I can’t help but slip down into the tub and settle back, closing my eyes for a moment. It’s been a long day, but it’s been productive. Once the paint is on the walls, it’s going to start getting very real.

Perhaps Portland is the place I can finally settle and put down some roots.

Chapter 23


I can’t keep my eyes off Elisabet. She’s dressed in a simple black dress that hits her mid-thigh. But the material hugs her curves like a second skin, which does nothing to calm the raging hard-on I’ve been trying to conceal since we walked out of the apartment.

By the time we reach Mia’s house, I’ve managed to ease the tension. Still, I know it’s no good because once we’re alone after this dinner, I’m tearing the material off her body.

I spent time on my own in the penthouse while Elisabet was working on her shop. She didn’t mind going in alone, and I needed to clear out everything I’d left there from years ago. It was a cleansing day, and now that I’m beside her, meeting her friends, I feel like I can actually move forward.

Placing a label on what Elisabet and I have is a step I haven’t taken since Marisol. It’s something I didn’t think I would ever do again, and yet, with Elisabet, everything feels right.

The cool night air hits me when we exit the vehicle, and I walk around the front to open Elisabet’s door. She slips her hand in mine, and we make our way up to the door.

She pushes the doorbell, and soon the door whooshes open, and we’re met with Mia and her husband, Camden.

“It’s so good to see you,” Mia beams excitedly, a smile lighting her face while she hugs Elisabet, and I get to shake hands with Camden.

“Nice to meet you,” he says, and I offer a nod with a, “Yeah, same here.” We’re escorted into their home, which is tasteful and homey. You can tell they have kids because I notice a few toys lying out, but other than that, it’s a beautiful house.

“Please, sit down,” Mia offers. “Would you like something to drink? I have beer, wine, and some soft drinks hidden in the fridge.”

“I’ll have a soft drink,” I tell her. “I’m driving tonight.” She nods at my admission before turning to my lady.

“I’ll have a glass of wine if you’re having one.” Elisabet offers me a quick glance before I nod. After my admission, I think she can tell that I’m more cautious, but I need to remind her that we’re grown up, and I know she’s not an irresponsible person.

“Yes! I have an amazing white that will go with the chicken Parma I’ve made for dinner.”

“Now that sounds like a meal I can sink my teeth into,” I tell her. I’ve always loved food, and my mother used to make a great chicken Parma. One of my favorite dishes. Second to a good pasta.

“So, tell me about you, Rome,” Camden asks as we settle on the couches in the living room. Being in their home makes me want to have one of my own, perhaps even one that I’ll share with the woman sitting beside me.

“I’m in property development and real estate. We deal in both commercial and residential.”

“That’s great. And that’s how you met Elisabet?”

“Yeah, she walked into my office and knocked the breath from my lungs. I knew I had to make sure I saw her again, so I worked it out with one of my agents that I handle all communication with Elisabet.”

“And he managed to keep me around for longer than I planned,” Elisabet says, her hand landing on mine, which makes me smile. The ease between us is natural. There’s nothing forced, not anymore.

“I think she just wanted the girlfriend discount when she bought the apartment,” I tease, offering her a quick glance before turning back to Camden. It’s the first time I used the g-word, and it felt good.

“That’s actually really romantic,” Mia says, settling beside her husband after she sets the drinks on the table. “We had more of a second-chance meeting that turned into more.”

“It did,” Camden agrees with a nod. “When I walked into Seduction after all those years apart, she didn’t realize I still liked her, and then acted as if us working together on the cooking show didn’t get her heart racing.”

“Oh my god, Camden.” Mia’s cheeks turn bright red, and I can’t help but chuckle at them. It’s charming. They’re happy, and it shows. They were undoubtedly made for each other.

“I totally understand that, man,” I tell Camden with a chuckle. “Elisabet didn’t want to admit that she loved me coming around, begging her for another date, and then leaving me wanting more.”

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