Torn from You (Tear Asunder 1) - Page 21

“Let her go, Alfonzo.” Raul’s thin lips pressed together as he stared at me, and I had the impression that he wasn’t pleased with the fact that Logan had spoken up for me.

Alfonzo shoved me forward, and I fell on my knees in front of Logan. I kept my head down, my tears of relief hidden behind my veil of hair.

The door opened with a loud bang; then running feet came toward us. “Sorry I’m late. Let’s do this, Sculpt.”

Logan didn’t wait to be excused by Raul. I saw his feet turn, and heard him walk away, leaving me with Raul and the others.

“Don’t think he’ll protect you all the time.” Raul leaned over as he spoke in his squeaky, accented voice. He reached out, and it took everything inside me to remain as still as possible. I clenched my teeth together so hard that my head vibrated. His fingers slid through my hair then to my shoulder and across the front of my neck then down … His hand cupped my breast as he ran his thumb back and forth over my nipple.

I kept my eyes closed and repeated over and over in my head that nothing could touch me, nothing could touch me.

“If he loses his fight you’re mine.” Raul squeezed my nipple hard, and I winced. “You’re like all the rest. Do not think you’re anything special.”

With that he stood and strode away with Jacob and Alfonzo. I collapsed forward, my hands covering my face as I sobbed, letting my hair fall forward so no one could see. Raul was terrifying. Calculated and cruel. He enjoyed watching others suffer. He had no morals or values and did what he wanted without thought to the ramifications for others. It was dangerous. He was dangerous.

“Emily. Look at me.” Logan was standing in the ring, sweating and his chest heaving. Our eyes met, and I saw the fury burning within the depths of his dark eyes. I didn’t know whether he was angry at me, because I’d been crying or was it from something else? He stared at me for a few moments and finally I settled down enough to stop trembling. Then Logan nodded, turned away, and began fighting Dave again.

I had no idea what Logan’s stare was about, but I did feel more together … Well, as together as I could be kneeling in a gym surrounded by men who could and would abuse me if given the chance.

I guessed it was about an hour when Logan finished his practice. I watched him speak quietly to Dave away from the other men in the gym, and he didn’t look happy. I saw Dave glance over at me, then his mouth moved quickly and angrily as if he was just as pissed off as Logan.

When Logan turned toward me, I quickly lowered my head and kept my eyes down. I stayed that way until I saw the tips of his toes next to my knees.

“Dave will take you back.”

My breath hitched, and I wanted to protest, but I didn’t. I couldn’t. The fear of the consequences was too great to ignore. “He won’t hurt you, Emily.”

“Yes … Master.” I wanted to die. Oh God, I wanted to curl up in a ball and die of mortification. Calling him Master was degrading, and it made me feel like less of a person, like my mother used to do. A useless object that took up space and ate her food.

Logan stroked his hand over my head once then turned and walked away.

I stood when Dave told me to, then walked a few feet behind him back to my room. I never looked at anyone, not even out of the corner of my eye. I had no idea what Dave would do to me, and that was scarier than knowing. I’d been too drugged to remember much of what he was like in the car on the way here, but what I did notice was that he failed to have the lust lingering in his eyes when he looked at me. Instead, I saw sympathy and pity. I hated the pity, but I’d take it over Alfonzo’s lust-filled threats.

Dave stopped outside my room. “He’ll protect you when he can. But he’s faltering. Do exactly as you’re told, and you will survive this, Emily.” I was taken aback by his words. He opened the door, and I walked inside. He shut it behind me, and I heard the key turn and then his footsteps walk away.

I was asleep in bed when I heard the door open later that evening. I sat up, pulling the sheet with me, and about to go kneel on the floor when his voice stopped me.

“Stay in bed.” His tone was tired and gentle, quiet.

He walked straight into the bathroom, shut the door, and I heard the taps turn then the water blast. I lay back down and tucked the sheet around me. It wasn’t long before he came out, the light in the bathroom illuminating his naked body.

The tweak between my legs shattered any resolve I had to not be attracted to this man. My belly dropped as I watched him stride over to the side of the bed and then drag the covers back with the sheet tucked under me.

He slipped in bed then laid back, his elbow crooked above his head and his other arm resting on his abdomen. He looked … God, he looked like Logan. The Logan I knew. The Logan I fell in love with. There was nothing cold about him tonight; actually he appeared vulnerable, and his eyes … his eyes held a hint of sadness. Could this man even feel sadness? Could I be reading him wrong? I’d read him wrong before, and yet … I wanted to hold him. I just wasn’t sure why.

Was it because I felt alone and scared, and I wanted someone? Anyone? Even if it was the man who brought me here? Or was it to solidify my place with him? To show him affection so he wouldn’t be inclined to sell me.

Tags: Nashoda Rose Tear Asunder Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024