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Needing You Close (Ex-Con Duet 2)

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I can hear her sarcasm in my head, and her smart mouth causes me to chuckle. I don’t want to freak her out and call it a “date,” but I like the idea of us moving in that direction. I’m okay with going slow so we can see where things go, as long as she wants the same.

I’m sure she won’t mind hanging out in private because there’s no prying eyes. Now that the rumor mill has started about her and Robert breaking up, everyone suspects she’s heartbroken.

Tyler: Well, thank you for making time for us. We appreciate it.

Gemma: Of course. What time?

Tyler: Six? We can eat, then watch the movie after.

Gemma: Sounds good. I’ll see you then.

She ends her text with two red hearts, and I’ve officially lost my man card because it makes me giddy as hell.

Now I need to figure out what I’m going to make, grocery shop, and perhaps find a new shirt.

I’m glad Everleigh’s at work this morning so she can’t give me shit for overpreparing, though I wish I had her insight on what to cook. It’s been so long since Gemma and I have spent an evening together, and I want it to be special.

After researching some recipe ideas and making a decision, I text my sister.

Tyler: I’m hitting the grocery store soon. You need anything?

Everleigh: As a matter of fact, I do. Hold on, I’ll send you my list.

This can’t be good.

Moments later, I get a screenshot with a list of items.

Bread, buns, eyeliner, orange juice, eggs, tampons.

Everleigh: Make sure the eyeliner is black and the tampons are regular. Thanks!

She can’t be serious.

Groaning, I grab my wallet and keys, then head to the store. Everleigh walked to work this morning and left me her car in case I needed it. I can’t wait till I can buy a vehicle so I won’t have to rely on her so much. Though I appreciate it, I hate having to ask.

I decided to go with steak tips with mushrooms and gravy. I haven’t had it in years, and I think she’ll love it. Then for dessert, we’ll have cheesecake, and if I remember correctly, she liked hers topped with fresh strawberries.

After I grab everything along with Everleigh’s grocery items, I head to the other side of the store. I have no idea what I’m searching for or what the hell eyeliner looks like. I snatch the first one I find and toss it into the cart. Then I make my way over to the next aisle and find no less than a dozen different varieties of tampons. How did me offering to buy food turn into looking through the makeup and feminine aisles? I find a box that has the word regular on it and hope it’s right. Otherwise, Everleigh is shit outta luck and can do her own damn shopping next time.

Once I check out and pay, I drive to a shop on Main Street to find a new shirt. Most of my wardrobe consists of workout tees or sweatshirts. But tonight, I’d like to wear a button-up and something more formal. An older gentleman helps me find what I’m looking for, then talks me into a new pair of jeans and a belt. He’s a great salesman, and I have to cut him off before I blow my budget.

“She’s a lucky lady,” he says as he rings me up.

“Excuse me?” I pull my wallet from my back pocket.

“I assume you have a date.”

“No. Well, yes, kinda.”

He grins. “Kinda? I think she’ll get the memo as soon as she sees you. In fact, walk around to the barber shop and find Vin. I’m sure he can fit you in for a cut.”

Brushing my hand through my hair, I realize it has been a while. “You think I need one?”

He casually shrugs. “Your beard could use a trim, too.”

Well then. People in this town are sometimes too honest for their own good.

“Thanks for the tip.”

“No problem.” He smiles and gives me my total.

I put my bags in the car, then walk to the place he mentioned. Couldn’t hurt to get cleaned up I guess, though Gemma’s definitely gonna notice. I’m not sure if that’ll be a good thing or not yet.

“Hello,” an older man with a beer belly greets me.

“Hi, I’m Tyler. Do you have time for a haircut and a beard trim?” I ask, explaining the guy at the store recommended him. His mouth turns up, and he ushers me over to his chair.

“Let me take a look at you, son.”

We discuss what type of cut, and I give him free rein. Forty-five minutes later, the hair on my head and face is trimmed, and I feel like a new man.

“Wow. You did a good job.” I smirk.

“Thank you. Come back in four weeks.”

I chuckle at his demand. “Okay.”

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