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Forbidden Fruit - A Naughty Collection

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“I chose you because my heart has been cold for too long. I need your fire, your warmth.” I confess my darkest hurt, the pain that I’ve covered up for too long. A shiver wracks her body, and I realize the water has gone cold.

Turning off the tap, I lift her up and step out of the shower. Setting her down on the woolen rug, I grab two towels and wrap her in one. “Did any of the women you were with ever tell you that you’re romantic?” Tipping her head to the side, she regards me with an affectionate gaze.

“No, I’m not. And no, they haven’t because, with them, I was a dickhead. I fucked them” — the wince on her face is clear — “but they never managed to find my heart. That was held by someone else a long time ago, and I closed myself off to the idea of ever giving it to someone again.” This isn’t the place I wanted to confess, to tell her the truth, but here I am.

“And me?” Her mouth pursed into a line. Her confidence falters somewhat. She doesn’t realize it, but it’s written all over her face. She thinks I’m telling her I don’t want her.

“Listen to me, Mila.” With my index finger, I lift her chin, so her eyes meet mine. “You’re the one who broke through. You and you alone are the girl I want, the one I want to give my heart to. Please, don’t ever doubt that.” I implore her, begging for her to let me in. She’s young, but she’s not stupid.

I know all the secrets, all her darkest and most beautiful parts. I know her desires and what she dreams about. Everything about this woman is mine. It’s been mine for longer than we both realize, and in turn, I’m hers.

Nothing will change that. Ever.

Chapter 9


As soon as I walk into the office, my mind clears. Last night was too emotional. There was always a possibility in my mind that my brother had fallen for Mila. They didn’t realize I knew about the messages and calls. If it wasn’t for my brother, I don’t think my daughter would have gotten over losing her mother.

Slipping into my chair, I open the lid of my laptop and turn it on. Opening the email program, I pull up the new messages and start flicking through them. Nothing of importance comes through on the weekend, but I wanted to make sure the contracts were finalized.

Sitting back, I wonder where Grayson will take Mila today. Hopefully, he’ll stop his womanizing ways and be happy. I saw it last night, the look in his eyes when they sat at the dinner table, and with how he watched her. It was obvious the emotion was more than I could have imagined.

There is love between them. I just hope it’s strong enough to withstand everything they’ll be challenged with. Not only is there an age gap, but there will be talk in our community of the fact that Grayson is family. Granted, it’s not by blood, but I’m guessing Shanika, my deceased wife’s sister, and Mila’s aunt, will have something to say about it.

Sometimes, when you fall in love, nothing can stop you. I’ve lived through that when I first walked into their household and told them I was marrying Mila’s mother. It took them a long time, but they came to accept it . . . Eventually.

A knock at the door drags my attention from my racing thoughts. Pushing off the chair, I head toward the entrance and push the buzzer. As soon as the door swings open, I’m met with piercing blue eyes, caramel skin, and long dark hair. “Lissy.” The gruff tone of my voice startles me.

I’ve known her since she was sixteen when she flew over from Spain to visit her aunt and cousin in America. Only three years older than Mila, her cousin is an exotic beauty.

“Uncle Gabe,” she coos, striding confidently toward me like a tiger on the prowl. Jesus. What is it with these girls? “How are you?” She rounds the reception desk and lifts onto her tiptoes to kiss me on the cheek.

“I’m good. What are you doing here?” I take a visible step back, hoping to put some distance between us. After what happened with Mila last night, I need to clear my mind.

“Aren’t you glad to see me?” She smiles, her wide grin lighting up her face, and those gems of ice sparkle with mischief as she regards me.

“I am. I’m sure Mila would be too.” I turn and head into the offices from the reception area. Her heels click-clack on the marble tiles as she follows me.

“I’m back for good, got into town yesterday. I stopped by the house, but nobody was home, so I figured . . .” She trails off, settling her pert little ass on the edge of my desk. “I’d come here and see you.” She laughs again. This time, it’s a sultry, sexy smile, and I can’t help but notice her outfit isn’t one you’d throw on while moving.

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