Forbidden Fruit - A Naughty Collection - Page 44

As soon as I lift his arm at the elbow, he flinches. It seems the shoulder has taken most of the fall from the way he cowers when I move it.

“Okay, little man, we’re going to do an X-ray and then we’ll fix you up. You may need a cast, and no more climbing trees. You got that?” I ruffle his hair, and he nods in response with a sad pout on his chubby face.

I turn to set up the X-ray machine. This will ensure that I know nothing is broken or fractured. Offering a smile to his mom, who looks like she’s about to pass out from stress, I ensure everything is ready before turning back to her.

“He’ll be fine,” I assure her.

Boys can be hard work. I remember myself as a child. I was a handful. The thought makes me wonder if I’d ever have another child. Perhaps a son. The image brings Lily to mind and I can’t help smiling at that. I’d love to see her pregnant with my baby.

“Let’s go, little man, I need you to stand really still. Can you do that?”

He nods at my question. A challenge for him because I can tell he’s ready to head back up that tree. One thing about boys, they tend to be stubborn.

“Thank you, Doctor,” his mom murmurs behind me, and I cast a glance toward her, relief painting her features.

This is what I love about my job, making people smile, treating them so they feel better, heal, and stay healthy. It’s always been a passion of mine to make someone smile. Whether it’s from relief that you’re giving them good news, or just from the fact that you were there for them in their time of need.

“It’s a pleasure. That’s why I’m here.” I focus on getting the X-rays done and ready for examination while she waits for her little boy to get his arm in a sling. And my mind is once again on Lily.

The hours pass quickly and when I glance up at the clock, I note it’s been four hours since I rushed out of the house this morning. Guilt settles in my chest when I realize I left in such a rush, that I didn’t tell Lily I’d be this long. I know she’s finished with her studies, and even though she’s on vacation for the holidays, leaving her and Chelsea alone so close to Christmas causes me to worry. She might think I’m taking advantage of her, or perhaps she has plans with someone. That thought has jealousy skating through my veins. I don’t want her to have anyone else but me.

Also, I haven’t had the courage to call her since I arrived. Even though I had a few moments to spare, I wasn’t sure a phone call would suffice what I want to say. Also, to be honest, I’m fearful of her telling me to go to hell.

This morning when I left, it was the most natural thing to plant a kiss on her full lips as I headed to work, and I didn’t miss my daughter’s little rhyme. Cringing, I sigh as I rise from my chair and shrug my coat on. For Chelsea, this isn’t something trivial. Having another woman replace her mother in that way is not something I wanted to put her through till I was ready to move on. At least, till I was sure there was a chance for me and Lily.

Making my way out the door, I head to the parking lot and unlock the car. When I slip into the driver’s seat, I inhale deeply before starting the engine and making my way home. The town is quiet since it’s two days before Christmas and we haven’t had a snowfall yet.

My mind is replaying what to say to her when I see her in a few moments. The girl I want more than I ever thought I would, and also, there’s something I want to talk to her about before I chicken out.

Even being away from her for a few hours, busying myself with work and patients, hasn’t diminished the image of her on my bed, spread open to my hungry gaze.

The drive home is a few minutes longer than normal because I’m stalling, but not near enough time for me to figure out what I’m going to say to Lily when I finally see her.

Pulling into the garage, I shut off the engine and exit the car. A small body bounds into me as soon as I step into the laundry room, which is just off the kitchen.

“Daddy! Lily made me lunch! And she made shortcake!” Chelsea screeches loudly and excitedly as I lift her up.

The aromas coming from the kitchen would bring a grown man to his knees and I’m almost there. I’m tempted to keep Lily here with me and my little girl forever.

Tags: Dani Rene Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024