Craving Molly (The Aces' Sons 2) - Page 41

“Stop,” Will ordered gently as he ran his hands up and down my back. “Stop it, Molly.”

I inhaled deeply and let the breath shudder back out, letting his gruff words soothe me. If anyone else had spoken to me in that tone, I would have told them to go fuck themselves. It was ridiculous that he kept telling me to stop crying. However, as he spoke, his arms held me tight against him, and I could hear his heart thundering in his chest as he tried to get me to calm down. He was as wound up as I was.

My breath finally evened out after a few more minutes, leaving only occasional hiccups that shook my whole body. My swollen eyes grew heavy and I shut them as Will’s hand lifted to push my hair back from my face. A few moments later, when I was almost asleep, I felt Will pull away from me. I didn’t say a word as he tucked the blanket up over my shoulder, but I cringed as he climbed out of bed. I didn’t blame him for leaving.

I opened my eyes and glanced up to see Will looking down at me as he unbuckled his belt. He shucked his jeans and socks off then reached up to pull his t-shirt and flannel over his head.

“I know you’re awake,” he said quietly as he pulled the blankets back again to crawl in next to me.

“I thought you were leaving,” I rasped, my words muffled by my pillow.

“’Course not.”

My lips tipped up in a small smile at his easy reply. Of course he wasn’t leaving.

I let him pull me against his chest and fell asleep almost instantly.

Chapter 10


“Hey, Moose!” a voice called, followed by someone thumping against the side of the car I was under. I cursed as I dodged dirt and other nasty shit that they’d knocked loose with their thumping.

“What?” I growled out, sliding out from underneath the car. My face and neck felt gritty with the shit that had been sprinkling down on me from inside the engine all damn day.

“Dragon wants to talk to you,” Woody said, smirking at me.

“Fine.” I got to my feet and tried brushing off my jump suit. Little flecks of dirt flew through the air, but it wasn’t making much of a difference.

“That shit’s nasty,” Woody said, backing up a step.

“Get used to it, you’ll be under here before too long.”

“No fucking way,” he said with a laugh. “I’m getting the fuck out of here.”

“Oh, yeah?” I asked, only half listening. The kid was a punk, but he was funny as hell. He hung around the club quite a bit when he wasn’t in school because his dad had been a member before he died of old age. Doc was old as shit when I was a kid, so I had no idea how he’d managed to knock some chick up, but we had living proof in Woody and the goofy-as-fuck smile he wore around that looked exactly like his dad’s.

“I’m gonna go to college,” he said as we walked out of the garage bay. It was getting cold as fuck outside, but we kept the doors open anyway. There was too much shit in the air to keep them closed when we were working, we’d fucking suffocate.

“Good for you—know what you’re going to do?”

“Doctor, maybe,” he mumbled, wrapping his arms around his chest.

“Got the grades for that?”

“Nah, I’ll probably have to join the military or something first. But I gotta get the fuck outta here.”

I slammed to a stop at his tone. “You got problems?”

“Bitches, man,” he said with a derisive laugh, trying hard as hell to sound older than he was.

“You talkin’ about Cece? You know she’s my cousin, right?”

“She’s—” his mouth snapped shut and he shook his head. “Leo wants to fuckin’ kill me and Cecilia doesn’t know what the fuck she wants.”

“Still?” I asked in surprise. They’d had some sort of weird teenage love triangle going on for over a year.

“She says she loves me,” he said quietly, looking anywhere but at my face. “But she won’t stay away from him.”

“You guys don’t know what the fuck you’re doin’ at your age,” I said incredulously. “Fuckin’ cut bait, man.”

“You’re not that much older,” he spat, straightening his shoulders in offense.

“Yeah, and I still don’t know what the fuck I’m doin,’” I said with a derisive laugh, ignoring his scowl as I stripped my jumpsuit off, leaving it on the ground outside the door as I walked into the warm clubhouse.

“You lookin’ for me?” I asked as Dragon as I sat down next to him at the bar.

“You want some coffee?” his wife, Brenna, asked as she cleaned the countertop. I didn’t know why she was doing it. There were plenty of other people to clean up messes around the club that were far lower in the hierarchy than the president’s old lady.

Tags: Nicole Jacquelyn The Aces' Sons Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025