Craving Molly (The Aces' Sons 2)
Page 43
I started nodding before he’d even finished speaking. “When?”
“Tuesday. Hulk and Samson are goin’ to ride up with you. Sam knows some of the boys up there pretty well, hopefully that’ll make shit run smooth.”
My stomach sank, but I kept my face expressionless. Rebel’s surgery was on Thursday and Molly was going to flip her shit when she realized I wasn’t going to be there.
“Alright,” I said, sliding off my bar stool. “That all you needed?”
“For now,” Dragon said, watching me closely.
“Catch you later, then.” I walked outside and cursed as I found my jumpsuit in a puddle. At least the rain fit my mood.
* * *
“Ma, you here?” I called the next day as I pulled my boots off at my parents’ front door. I usually just left them on in the house, but I was soaked and I didn’t want my mom following me with a towel to mop up my footprints.
“In here!”
I followed her voice into the living room and snorted when I found her sitting at the coffee table with about fifteen dolls spread out in front of her.
“Oh, shut it,” Mom said with a smile, spraying one of the dolls with a little spray bottle.
“What the hell are you doing?” I asked, pulling off my coat and the beanie I was wearing. God, I hated the rain.
“I got this recipe off Pinterest, and I’m trying to detangle the hair on all of Rosie’s dolls,” she said seriously as she dropped the spray bottle and started painstakingly combing out the hair of a little blonde doll.
“Why?” I dropped to the couch and rubbed my face. I’d tried to clean up at the club, but I still felt like I had little pieces of dirt in my beard.
“Well, your sister doesn’t play with these anymore, so I thought I’d pass them down to Rebel,” she replied, shrugging her shoulders.
“Don’t think she plays with dolls,” I said seriously. I’d never seen Reb with any, only stuffed animals.
“That’s okay,” Mom said, shaking her head. “I’ll give her a couple just in case she gets interested later.”
“Mom,” I mumbled, sighing. “Might wanna do that tonight before I get to Molly’s.”
“Why? What did you do, William?”
“Jesus, why’s it always me? Maybe Molly fucked up.”
“No, she didn’t or you wouldn’t be here. You came over because you’re feeling bad about something, not because you’re pissed.”
“I come over here all the time,” I argued, leaning forward to brace my elbows on my knees.
“Not when you know it’s just me at home. Now tell me what’s going on.”
“Reb’s getting those tubes put in her ears on Thursday,” I said, lifting up a doll that had hair down to its feet.
“How’s Molly doing with that? I was so nervous when the boys had them put in.”
“She’s freakin’ the fuck out.”
“Okay, so what did you do?”
“Nothin’ yet.” I lifted my head and found her staring right at me, her hands unmoving on the table. “Gotta go on a run Tuesday and there’s no way in hell I’ll make it back for the procedure.”
“Oh, Will,” Mom sighed.
“She’s gonna be pissed,” I mumbled, setting the doll back on the table.
“Couldn’t you ask—”
“No.” I cut her off with a shake of my head. “Club comes first.”
“Bullshit,” she snapped, climbing to her feet.
“Not havin’ this fight with you,” I said, following her as she stormed into the kitchen. “You wanna bitch at Dad, that’s between the two of you.”
“Maybe I will! Maybe I’ll ask why his son is leaving town when his old lady’s kid is having surgery!” She smacked the palm of her hand down on the countertop in emphasis.
“She’s not my old lady,” I argued, lifting her hand up to make sure she hadn’t hurt it. “And I don’t need you in my shit, causing problems.”
“I’m your mother!”
“I’m twenty-one years old! I can handle my own shit.”
“Then why did you come here?” she snapped, wrapping her arms across her chest as her eyes filled with tears.
“Christ, Mom,” I groaned, pulling her rigid body forward until I could wrap my arms around her shoulders. She was so much shorter than me that her face lined up with my sternum. “Stopped by because I wanted to see you and I needed to get some advice. I didn’t stop by so you could get into a big fight with Dad about shit that’s none of your concern.”
“You’ll always be my concern,” she said, her body relaxing as she put her arms around my waist and squeezed. “I like Molly. She’s good for you. I just don’t want to see you mess it up.”
“I’m tryin’ not to,” I replied, kissing the top of her head before pulling away. “But I’ve got responsibilities—”
“When are you going to stop punishing yourself?” my mom asked quietly as I stepped back.
I froze. “Don’t know what you’re talkin’ about,” I said, refusing to meet her eyes.