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Craving Trix (The Aces' Sons 1)

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A smile spread across my face as I watched her get more and more riled up. “Good,” I said softly, reaching up to touch her cheek, then letting my hand fall as she dodged under my arm and walked toward the living room.

“This how it’s gonna be the whole time I’m here?” I asked reasonably as I dropped down on the couch with her a couple minutes later. “You jumpin’ around like a rabbit every time I try to touch you?”

“Stop trying to touch me,” she said flatly, turning some home improvement show on the TV.

“You know that ain’t gonna happen.”

“What is your deal tonight?”

“No deal.”

“Just because you’re staying at my apartment doesn’t mean you get some sort of perks,” she huffed, refusing to look at me. “If anyone gets benefits, it should be me. I’m the one paying the fucking rent for you to live here.”

I waited for her to realize what she’d just said, but she didn’t.

“Take all the perks you want, Sweetbea,” I told her with a slow smile.

She stood abruptly and glared at me, tossing the remote at my head with a small squeak of frustration before stomping off to her room.

I couldn’t help but laugh as I heard her bedroom door slam.

As if a flimsy door would stop me.

Chapter 2


“Wake up, Sweetbea,” Cam called softly, making me groan. “I’ll take ya to your parents.”

“You go,” I mumbled, pushing my face into my pillow. “I’ll drive in later.”

God, it was early. Why the hell was he awake already? It had been almost a week since Cam moved in, and living together had been surprisingly painless until he decided to wake me up at the butt crack of dawn.

He wasn’t messy. When I was studying or reading, he pulled out his laptop and plugged in his earbuds, checking the news and watching TV shows without bothering me. He even showered at night, so I had the bathroom to myself in the morning.

If it wasn’t for the fact that he insisted on touching me constantly, little brushes of his hands and body, he’d be the perfect roommate.

“Come on,” he said softly as I felt him sit down next to my hip, his hand brushing down my bare arm. “Want you on the back of my bike.”

“Sleep time, no bike.”

“You got twenty minutes to get ready, or I’m takin’ ya the way you are.”

“Can’t. No pants.” I pulled my arm away from him and flung it over my face.

He inhaled sharply, and before I could stop him, he ripped my comforter down to my knees.

“Cold!” I gasped, pulling my knees to my chest. “Give the blankets back, ass!”

“Jesus,” he mumbled, his gravelly voice jolting me completely awake.

I turned my head to look at him just as he pulled his t-shirt over his head.

“What are you doing?” I asked in alarm as he dropped his jeans to the floor. “Get the fuck out of here.”

“Warmin’ you up,” he replied, crawling in behind me as he pulled the comforter up around us.

He wrapped a muscular arm around my waist and jerked me into the curve of his body as his lips met my neck. “Nice and cozy.”

“You’re out of your damn mind,” I said, completely motionless. “What the hell?”

“Been waitin’ on you to come to me—that ain’t happenin.’ Looks like I gotta go to you.”

His hand that had been wrapped securely around my waist pulled up slowly, running up my belly and then back down over my bare thigh until he’d reached my knee, jerking it up so he could press one of his legs forward into the gap.

“This is a bad idea,” I warned, my body softening.

“Best idea I’ve ever had.”

“No, really. My pop will kill you.”

“Already talked to your dad, Sweetbea. He won’t say shit.”

“What? You what?”

“You wax your legs? So fuckin’ soft, damn.”

“Cameron!” I hissed, slamming my elbow into his gut. “You talked to my pop?”

“Jesus, watch the elbows. Yeah, I talked to him. Laid it all out. It’s all good,” he replied against my shoulder, before opening his mouth wide and running it up my neck.

Shit, that felt good.

“Laid what out?” I asked stubbornly, ignoring the way my heart raced.


“There is no us.”

“Oh, really?” He gripped my hip and rocked against me softly. “You sure?”

“Just because you crawled into my bed uninvited doesn’t mean there’s—” My words cut off as his hand slid forward, pressing beneath my belly button as he rocked harder against me.

“Tell me no,” he whispered into my ear as he slid the arm he’d been braced on under my head. His hand moved slowly, tracing my collarbone before sliding down to cup one of my breasts. “You want me to stop?”

I made some weird noise in the back of my throat, but words seemed to be beyond me. How many years had I fantasized about Cam’s hands on me? I couldn’t even remember. I’d wanted him for so long that it seemed to be soldered into my personality. Sarcastic, smart, a little weird, outgoing, fun, wants Cameron.

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