Craving Trix (The Aces' Sons 1)
Page 25
“Yeah, well, you knew that before you decided to fuck me.”
“Yeah, well,” I sneered back mockingly, “that won’t be happening again any time in the near future.”
“That right?” he asked softly, stepping into the room as he pulled his cut off his shoulders.
“Quit,” I snapped, rolling my eyes. God, he was such a pain in the ass.
My eyes widened as he stepped in farther and gripped the back of his t-shirt, pulling it over his head and dropping it on the floor. Oh, God. His boots went next, then his socks. And then suddenly, he was a foot away in nothing but his jeans.
“Strip,” he ordered softly.
“Not happening,” I replied with a nervous laugh. My eyes met his for only a moment before they were drifting down his torso. God, he was big. Big and defined and tattooed. My mouth watered.
“You need some help?”
My eyes shot back to his and I swallowed hard. “No, I don’t need help.”
“Then get movin’.”
“Maybe I’m not in the fucking mood.”
“Your eyes are fuckin’ black and your nipples are hard as a fuckin’ rock. Don’t give me that shit.”
“I’m mad at you!” I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest.
“Best time for sex, baby. Get all that shit out.”
“I’d rather punch you in the throat.”
“I’d rather you scratched the hell outta my back.”
My heart began to race as he took another small step forward, and without thinking it through, I pulled my t-shirt over my head.
“Good girl.”
“I’m not a dog.”
“You’re also not naked yet,” he growled.
I huffed, but still unbuttoned my shorts and pushed them and my underwear down my thighs in one movement. Before I was fully upright again, Cam was in my space, unhooking my bra and pulling the straps down my arms.
“You still pissed?” he asked teasingly, his hands sliding up the front of my torso.
“Yes,” I spit back, pushing on his chest sharply with both hands so he stumbled back a bit.
His head tilted a little as he studied me, then his nostrils flared as his eyes darkened. “That’s how you wanna play?”
His fingers reached my nipples and pinched, making me inhale a desperate breath.
“Okay, Sweetbea,” he said gently. “Let’s play.”
Then his hands were in my armpits and I was being tossed onto the bed.
“You embarrassed me,” I hissed, sitting up quickly to find him dropping his jeans to the floor.
“You pissed me off.” He moved forward and braced his fists beside my hips, his face inches from mine.
“That doesn’t mean you can treat me like crap.”
“When exactly did I treat you bad, baby?”
“Don’t call me baby in that tone. We’re fighting.” I scowled.
“When did I treat you bad?” he asked again.
“I wanted him out and I got him out.”
“You made me look bad!”
“No, I didn’t.”
“Yes, you did. Did you see the way he looked at me?”
Cam leaned closer until we were nose to nose, and I had to close my eyes as I felt his breath fan my face. I was still so angry, but hell, he smelled so damn good.
“Yeah, I saw the way he was lookin’ at you. Didn’t like it. Boy’s lucky he didn’t leave on a stretcher.”
I leaned away and opened my eyes. “What?”
He didn’t answer. Instead, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine, nipping at my bottom lip before sliding his tongue into my mouth.
I moaned. Hell, my entire body lit up like a firework.
Then I bit him.
“Jesus Christ!” he pulled away quickly and scowled at me, then jerked my hips, making me lose my balance and fall flat on the bed.
His hands moved to my thighs as I tried to sit back up, but before I could get any leverage, he was ripping my legs apart and his tongue was sliding over my clit.
I fell back with a gasp.
He mumbled something about a man in “his” house, as his mouth opened up wide and covered my pussy, sucking.
“Holy shit,” I groaned as he closed his mouth again, his bottom teeth scraping against my flesh.
“You wanna bite, Sweetbea?” he asked darkly.
“No. No.” I shook my head and leaned up on my elbows, meeting his eyes for a brief moment before I felt his teeth against my clit. “No, Cam!”
I started to panic.
“Bea?” he asked in confusion, lifting his head.
“Don’t bite me.” My voice wobbled.
“I wasn’t gonna hurt ya. Shit.”
I was panting as he leaned back down, kissing my skin lightly before lifting his head again. “I’d never hurt ya, Sweetbea. You know that.”
I nodded. I did. I did know that, and I didn’t know why I’d panicked. This was my Cam. Where the hell had that come from?
His tongue came out and ran delicately over my clit again, and my thighs relaxed. I didn’t lie back, though. For some reason, I was still anxious and I needed to be able to see him.
He moved his mouth this way and that, running his tongue over me, then giving suckling kisses all over my flesh until my hips were undulating beneath him. I began to sweat and my arms started to shake beneath me as he finally slid one, then two fingers inside. When he finally concentrated on that little bundle of nerves at the top of my pussy, I came hard and fell backward.