Something So Irresistible (Something So 3) - Page 23

“Okay, peeps, I have to head down. I guess you aren’t coming to the after-party?”

Cooper and Mom shake their heads, but Karrie says yes.

“We are going to take the kids back and Karrie is going to follow with Matthew.”

“You guys can stay with me and then we can go over tomorrow morning,” I suggest and we all walk out. I kiss Mom and Cooper and hug my sisters and brother before walking downstairs, following the loud noise from their locker room. The press is in there, so I know no one is undressed, so I walk in and smile at everyone.

Paul is the first to talk. “How the fuck did you get Jay Z to come and sing?”

“What?” I shrug my shoulders. “By the way, you each have to sign like fifty jerseys for his charity. You’re welcome,” I say, smiling as he finishes taking off his shirt.

“Congrats, boys. I’ll see you all over at the after-party.” I wave at everyone and make my way over to the restaurant that is hosting our bunch. I make sure the club that is hosting us is shut down from the public, that all the stuff is ready. I go to the corner, pulling out my laptop that I brought with me, and post some pictures while I wait for them to trickle in. I see the photos from tonight and I was right. The shot of Max celebrating is fucking amazing. I post it right away with his hashtag Mad Max. A couple of the players turn up first along with the wives or sisters. I put my stuff away as the food comes out of the kitchen. Everyone grabs something to drink and the food right away. I see Matthew make his way with Karrie on his arm. “Hey there, superstar.” I go to him. “That was quite a game.”

“Yeah, it was a good one, better that we won.” He looks around to find a table. “I need to get my girl off her feet. They hurt and I heard we are staying over at the brownstone, so you know what this means, kids free sex.”

“Eww,” I say, pretending to gag. “I put your bed upstairs,” I tell them.

“What do you mean?”

“You didn’t think I was going to sleep on the mattress that you guys banged on, did you?” I say as we make our way to a table where I sit down and then Vivienne comes in.

“Mon Dieu.” My god, she says. “This place is packed with fresh meat.” She wiggles her eyebrows and takes off her jacket, showing off her shoulders in the bustier she wears, pushing up her girls.

“You’re naked?” Matthew says as he finally gets some food.

“Not yet, but I see a couple who I wouldn’t say no to.” She points to Ryder. “Lui.” Him, she says. “That’s the lucky guy tonight.” She pushes off from the table and makes her way over to him like a cougar getting her prey.

I put my head back and laugh. “Poor guy never stood a chance,” I say and she starts to talk to him. His eyes almost go in the back of his head.

“Okay, folks, that’s it for me,” I say, grabbing my bag. “My carriage is turning into a pumpkin. And I may or may not burn these fucking shoes.” I point to my feet.

“Wait for us. We will come,” Karrie says, but I shoo her away.

“You guys never go out. Stay and enjoy adults.” I lean in. “Have sex here so you don’t have to do it in my house,” I tell them and start to make my way to the door to leave. I’m about to push the door open when it’s swung open and there stands the man who is the star of tonight. “Sorry,” I say, walking around him and away from him as he holds the door. I walk into the street when I hear his voice.

“What the fuck are you doing, Allison?”

I put my hand down. “Well, Max, this,” I say, putting up my hand, “means I need a cab.”

“Where is your brother? Jesus,” he spits out as he walks to me.

“My brother is having a date with his wife and I’m tired. So seeing as I’m a big girl, I said I was going home.” I turn around and put my hand up again. But my bag is almost ripped from my hand. “What the fuck is your problem now?” I ask, but he doesn’t answer. He just walks across the street with my bag, pressing a button in his hand, and I hear a beep on the black truck parked across the street from the club.

“Get in.” He opens the door for me, tossing my bag to the floor as he waits for me to go to the truck.

“You really should take a course in people skills,” I say when I get in front of him. His hair is still wet but perfect and he isn’t wearing his tie, so I see his smooth skin under his collar. “You fucking suck, by the way.”

Tags: Natasha Madison Something So Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024