Something So Right (Something So 1) - Page 5

“What time does Parker get here?” he asks while downing his drink. Oh my God, this is going to be so good. Since he has no idea that I’m Parker!

“At ten. The office is upstairs to the right, first door.”

He puts the glass back and smiles, a full white grin. How does he still have all of his teeth? They must be fake. “It’s been fun, take care,” he says, jogging to the gym.

Chapter Two

I’m sitting in my office looking over the ice and class schedules for the week. I see that Cooper has six days scheduled, all at three a.m. His agent told us that he wants to make sure he’s in and out before people know he’s here. So far the only people who know he’s rehabbing here is my staff of six and, of course, my kids.

After I got off the ice, I made my way upstairs, changing into my jeans. I’m telling you not only did I lose one hundred ninety pounds of dead husband weight, I also lost the extra twenty pounds I had floating around my body. It does help that I’m now skating and can say hello abs. Okay, it’s only two, but it’s better than none. I’m now wearing a black T-shirt that molds to my chest. Luckily for me, my boobs remained big no matter how much weight I lost.

Standing up from my desk, I walk over to the window that faces the inside of the arena. My view from the office is of the ice rink below, which is now filled with three and four-year-olds learning to skate. Another thing I added to the program list once I took over.

To the right I see the gym area, and my gaze lands on Cooper’s as he reaches up while he does chin ups. His shirt lifts a bit, showing me his bottom stomach. Holy fuck, is that a V? Holy shit, he does have a fucking V that women lust over. Of course he does, he has to. It makes up for the fact that his penis is small. At least that is how it is in my mind.

The good thing about these windows is that no one can see I’m standing here gawking at them. So he has no idea I’m standing here watching him.

I’m waiting for him. I know he’s coming. It’s going to be my absolute pleasure to let him know that he can take his shitty attitude and find somewhere else to train. It’s going to fuck up my budget, ruining my plans to add another rink, but I won’t let him get away with treating me or my staff members like shit.

A knock has me turning around just as Cooper walks in the door. He didn’t even wait for an answer. Figures. I can tell he is surprised to see me.

“I guess Parker isn’t in?” he asks with a snarl. Oh. This. Is. Going. To. Be. Fun.

“Actually, I am in, as you can see. I’m sorry we weren’t properly introduced before. I’m Parker Moore, and you must be Cooper Stone.” I go to him with my hand extended to shake his. He doesn’t answer or even try. He puts his hands on his hips. Okay, this conversation is going to go more quickly than I thought.

“So, Mr. Stone, as we discussed earlier, I have an email conversation between your agent and myself. I went back just to make sure I didn’t misunderstand the time we were scheduled to meet. I’ve taken the liberty of forwarding it to you again, just to make sure you get it. A second time. In this email you will notice that I said I would be here to open the door at three a.m.. I’m very sorry if you were under the impression that I would get here forty-five minutes before that time to open the door so your highness can get dressed. I’m also sorry that you see my establishment as ‘unprofessional.’ I will be more than happy to assist you in finding other alternatives to help you in your recovery.” I don’t even give him a chance to speak “I have also emailed you my recommendations. If you want to finish out the week, that is fine, but I believe you won’t be happy either way. So, for that, I apologize yet again for making you waste your time.” I stand up straight, waiting for him to shoot me back with something, but he does the complete opposite.

“I’ll be here tomorrow at three. See you then,” he practically yells, then storms out of my office, slamming my door on his way out.

My fucking door. I want to kick my desk. If I wasn’t afraid of hurting myself, I would have, but instead I go to my phone and call my person.

Tags: Natasha Madison Something So Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024