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Something So Right (Something So 1)

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Parker, I really don’t have the energy to argue with you. I had no idea about these plans, and they can’t be changed. I have been trying to deal with Matthew, it’s just a rough patch.

He doesn’t have energy. Maybe the energizer bunny is finally slowing down. Hmm, maybe someone is listening to my prayers.

A rough patch. It’s been two years. The longer you continue this, the harder it will take to get it back. Don’t you see that he’s 15? He needs his father. Just have the kids ready by 10:00.

I don’t even bother waiting for a response because Cooper sits on the stool in front of the counter and clears his throat. I can’t deal with this bullshit right now.

“I thought you would have had my stuff done already?”

“You mean your shake that takes a whole three seconds to make? What I find funny is that you take longer to undress than to dress.”

“You thinking about me undressing, baby?”

I slam his glass on the counter.

“Don’t fucking call me baby.” I turn around to storm upstairs, muttering asshole under my breath.

The rest of the week goes by much the same, except with the little dabs from Cooper here and there. Little dabs toward me. The workouts kicked his ass, pushed him, but instead of giving me lip like he normally did, he would smirk at me or wink at me. At times it made my stomach flutter. But, then at times, I wanted to take his hockey stick and jab his eyes out. It was always a fifty-fifty by how things were going to happen.

Chapter Four

Saturday is finally here, and what a week it’s been. I’m bone dead tired. I’m also pissed at James, and I plan to sleep in till nine a.m. tomorrow. After taking a long hot shower and blow drying my hair, I think about the clusterfuck this week has been. I’m really looking forward to a couple of cocktails to cloud my thoughts, which have been of a certain blue-eyed devil in no clothing.

I pull out my tan skirt, which should be called mini because it’s small, but my legs are the bomb, so why not show them off, even if it’s to the people who see them all the time. I pair it with a nice white spaghetti strap ruffled A-line tank that offers just enough cleavage and my brown wedges. I apply just a touch of mascara because I’m planning to drink, and taking off makeup while semi drunk is like a group of toddlers trying to color in the lines.

Let the games begin…


Looking at myself in the mirror, I notice my cheeks are all red. I’m also not sure if I’m going to be speaking to Meghan after tonight.

When I showed up at her house for a nice evening of BBQ, I was under the impression it would be just the regular gang we hang with. I was not ready for the blue eyes that met me when I walked into the yard.

As soon as I walked in, Meghan was there with a martini and the famous ‘I’m sorry’ eyes. Seems that Tom does know Cooper. He also thought it was a great idea to invite him over to hang out with us. Great. It was just fan-fucking-tastic, to say the very least.

I hurriedly drank my first martini, which then fell into a second, third, followed by my fourth. I sat at the table with everyone, conversation flowing, talking to the girls with not a care in the world, but I knew, I felt that his eyes were on me the entire time. Making me tingle in places that have been out of commission for a while.

The seating arrangements were almost already done with all the couples sitting together, leaving two seats open. Adam quickly took a seat, leaving one spot right next to Cooper. I almost kicked myself in the ass for taking so long to grab a chair. Sitting down right next to Cooper, he turned his head my way, giving me a sly smile. “You clean up good.” He leaned in, then tipped his beer back.

“I guess this is another cheat day, Stone?” I tried to get under his skin the same way he was getting under mine. My martini was quickly replaced and replenished by Meghan with the ‘I’m so sorry’ look again.

The chatter around the table had me sitting back and just listening to everything, the tension in my body slowly releasing itself. I’m sure it was the alcohol that was now flowing in my veins. The meal, however, made the tension start again. The way Cooper’s fingers grazed mine softly when reaching for his fork, almost like he did it on purpose, shot goose bumps all through my body. When we finished eating and were just lounging around still sitting, his hand made its way to the back of my chair. The heat from his hand straightened up my spine, making me aware of his every move. His hand hooked on the back of my chair, his thumb rubbing up and down my arm. My side looks found him chatting with Tom, like he didn’t have a care in the world. It was too much. His touch, my alcohol induced senses on overload. I just needed to get away from him. I pushed myself off the table, throwing my chair back. “I have to use the ladies’ room.” I tried to focus on the task of not swaying on my feet. Word to the wise. Never get up after drinking about ten martinis and expect to not sway. It took one second for me to feel his hands on my hips, making me right myself. “No more booze for me!”

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