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Something So Right (Something So 1)

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“Baby, you can send me away, but this thing, you and me, it’s happening.” He rubbed my cheek with his thumb, and all I wanted to do was lean into him.

“This can’t happen again. You are my client. You are here for two months. I can’t do this.” I really wished the lights were on so I could look into his blue eyes.

He leaned down and slowly, like a wisp, kissed my lips. He let me go, unlocking the door, and turned around right before walking out. The lights from the hallway shadowed him.

“Babe, we just started.” He turned and walked away, leaving me speechless and horny as hell.

Chapter Five

I spend my Sunday nursing a hangover. I am never drinking again. Luckily James’s plans fell through, and he was able to bring Matthew to his game.

It’s been two years since the divorce, and yet it’s still weird being there but not being together.

I’m on my way home, where I see a bubble bath and an early night in my future, when my phone starts ringing. I look down, seeing it’s Cooper.

My mind is playing games with me. Should I answer or not? Before I can make up my mind, my finger has already hit the green button.


“Babe, supper?”

“Um, hi, what do you mean?”

“I mean we are having supper.”

“Um, together at the same time?”

“Yeah, you me food. Pick you up in thirty?”

“I’m sorry. I must be confused. Did you just ask me to supper or tell me I’m having supper with you?”

“Same thing. What’s your address? I’ll swing by.”

“I’m sorry to bust your bubble, but I already have a date. If y—”

“You said you weren’t dating Adam,” he growls.

Growling. Why is this so hot?

“If you let me finish, I was going to say I have a date with my bathtub and couch.”

“You have to eat. I’ll pick you up. We’ll go to Overtime.”

“Ugh, fine. I’ll meet you there. I’m already in the car. I was on my way home. I guess I’ll see you in thirty minutes.”

“Yeah, babe, you will.” And with that, he ends his call. Someone really needs to tell him about phone etiquette.

I pull up at the same time as Cooper does, watching him get out of his truck. He’s wearing blue cargo shorts, a white T-shirt that I just want to rip off him, and his baseball cap covering the hair I want to run my fingers through.

When he spots me, he walks over to my truck, opens my door, leans in, and kisses me.

Right. On. The. Lips. In. Broad. Daylight.


“Okay, so a couple of things we should go over. Number one, and this is a big one, no kissing in public, like ever. When you leave after two months I still have to live here, and it’s bad enough people might have seen us and will probably talk, but I can’t have my reputation ruined. Number two. No babe…ever.”

He has to understand that this thing, whatever you want to call it, has a deadline.

“We can talk about it inside. I’m starving.” He grabs my hand, practically dragging me inside.

As per their usual stance, Larry, Curly, and Moe are at the exact same spot. They turn around and smile while I give them a wave with the one hand I have free.

“Let’s grab a booth in the back,” I say, hoping to get this dragging me around thing finished.

He slides in front of me, and the waitress, who is new, comes over with the menus.

“Can I get you guys something to drink first?” she asks but just bats her eyelashes at Cooper, making me want to pluck them out one by one.

“I’ll have a beer on tap. Babe, you want one, too?” He looks at the menu while ordering, leaving me with my mouth hanging open. Did we not just have this discussion five seconds ago? What is wrong with him?

“Um, I’ll have water with some lemon, please.”

The waitress doesn’t even address me. She just turns, walking away.

“Did we not discuss you calling me babe?”

“No, we didn’t. You told me. I’m not agreeing, so there was no discussion.”

I’m so frustrated with him I’m at a loss for words, and, trust me, that practically never happens.

“So, let me get this straight. You will continue to call me babe, regardless of if I want you to or not?”

“Pretty much. You want to split nachos?”

“You’re training. You can’t have nachos. It’s enough I let you ordering a beer slide. You can have grilled chicken and some steamed vegetables.” I mean, surely he knows he can’t eat this shit.

“It’s Sunday. It’s my cheat day. I eat what I want. You gotta live, babe!” he says, throwing his eyebrow up.

I, on the other hand, throw my hands up in frustration. I give up.

“Fine, have the nachos and beer. I’ll just make sure we do more skating drills tomorrow, you know, so you can work all those calories off.”

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