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Something So Right (Something So 1)

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“I think it’s best you go now before I fuck you in public.”

I’m blinking my eyes, trying to focus and hear his words.

“Get in and text me when you get home.”

I still haven’t said anything because frankly I have no words to say. He has just given me the best kiss of my life in the parking lot of Overtime, in public.

don’t know how I make it home, but I do. I sit here in my car, thinking that I’m not sure what is going on, but I’m really hoping that I’m going to survive when he’s gone.

Chapter Six

When I show up for Monday’s session, Cooper is waiting for me as usual. He’s in his pregame jeans, T-shirt, and that fucking baseball cap, leaning against his truck with a to-go coffee cup in his hand.

“I come in peace,” he says, handing me the hot cup of java. I inhale the aroma and think to myself, damn does coffee ever smell good.

“Thank you.” I’m pretty sure I’m beaming a big ass smile that you could see even from Mars.

He leans down, sticking his face in my neck, inhaling me.

“Did you just smell me?”

“Yeah, babe, I did.”

“Dude, that is fucking weird, stop smelling me.” I’m giggling and can’t even stand myself right now. “So,” I say, drinking a nice long sip of coffee. “I know you think we have something working here, and I’m not saying we don’t. But I want to say that while we are here or in there”—I point to the rink—“you are just another person I’m training. There will be no special treatment, and if you so much as try to stick your tongue down my throat in front of people who work with me in my rink, I’ll slice your throat.” I look at him, daring him to challenge me.

He looks deep into my eyes and leans in and whispers, “I’ll give you this for now, but when I get in there”—he points to my chest—“new rules will apply.” He nips my ear, giving me goose bumps all over my body, making my nipples peak and strain against my sports bra. Thank God for padding because I would be high beaming the whole goddamn neighborhood!

“Lace up, Stone, we’re already late. I would hate for you to be late.” I smirk, then head inside, leaving him watching my ass.

We kill practice and by kill I mean he is killing it. He is better than the twenty-year-olds. His knee is still stiff sometimes, but that will ease with time.

I’ve changed out of my full yoga pants and have put on my booty shorts. Not short shorts but booty shorts. I’ve just finished his shake and am leaning over to place it on the counter with a smile and then walk out in front. I know the minute he sees my shorts as I hear a growl coming out from deep in his throat.

“What the fuck are you wearing?” he’s whispering with clenched teeth, eyebrows pulled together.

“Um, shorts. I’m going to go running on the treadmill, so I changed.”

“Go fucking change. Now.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “You did not just tell me not to wear shorts.” I’m seething. How can he tell me what to wear?

“Babe, I’m giving you three seconds to fucking change or I’m taking you over my fucking shoulder and we are going to my place, and when I’m finished with you, there will be no more fucking shorts!” His whisper is turning into a snarl, and I can see the vein in his neck pulsing.

I point at him. “You are not the boss of me, but I’m going to go change now because I don’t want you to have a heart attack, so calm the fuck down.” Turning while jogging up the stairs, I can feel his heat right behind.

Once I’m in my office I want to slam the door, but his foot stops it from slamming. Coming inside, he closes the door softly, clicking the lock shut.

I turn to look at him, seeing fire in his eyes. It’s not the only thing I see. There’s also lust.

In two strides, he has me pressed against the windows looking out into the rink.

“Can they see us?” he asks.

“No, I can see out, but they can’t see in.” I’m breathless, and my nipples are straining. Aching. Needing.

He leans down and licks my neck ever so softly, making me moan, my eyes slowly closing on their own.

“You’re going to drive me crazy, aren’t you?” He nips my collarbone that is totally accessible with me wearing a tank top.

I can’t say anything, my words stuck in my throat, so I shake my head no.

He sucks on my earlobe, moving his hand under my tank, yanking it up along with my sports bra.

My nipples are pebbled and achy. Tingly. I want to beg him. All he sees is that I’m shivering.

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