Something So Right (Something So 1) - Page 63

We make introductions, and they are all shocked when he introduces me as his girlfriend.

One of the wives gives me a great big hug, confusing me. I’m not really the touchy-feely type, but I go with it for Cooper’s sake.

“It’s so nice to finally meet you. Cooper has told Marky all about you and your kids,” she says, and she sounds so genuinely happy for him.

“It’s great to meet some of Cooper’s friends. I’m very excited about tonight. I think they will kick some ass out there on the ice.”

“Are you going to be sitting in the wives’ box with us tonight?” she asks. I look at her, not knowing what she’s talking about, so I look over at Cooper.

“No, I got them all seats this time. Matthew wouldn’t like being in the box. I did get her a pass for the next time she’s here.” He grabs my neck, making me crash into his side. “I’m hoping she can attend all home games, but with the kids it might be tough.” He smiles down at me.

“I’m sure we can work something out there, Stone.” I wrap my arms around his waist, looking up at him.

“So, Parker, Cooper told me you ran his ass to the ground during training. Do you take on more than one person at a time?” Marky asks me with interest.

“Well, I have to say he was easy to work with. I usually only work with one guy at a time, so they have the best that I can offer. But I’m hoping to get Tom on board so we can take on more clients during the off season.”

Just then the rest of the guys all meet in the lobby, many of them fist bumping and nodding at each other. I am introduced to a couple of guys, but stay back a little, letting my man do his thing. My man. Just the thought makes me smile.

Cooper walks back up to me, grabbing my face and kissing my lips. “We are heading out, too. Have to go meet the circus. I’ll see you there.”

“Go kill ‘em, Stone.” I lean up, kiss him again, and push him out the door.

I look around and say bye to the ladies, telling them I hope to meet up with them later.

I check in with the kids before I head to my room to get myself ready to go see my man kill it.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


The bus taking us to this red carpet shit is huge. Kind of like a party bus style. It’s game day, so there is no drinking before. Everyone is getting into their zone. Many are listening to music, some chatting with others about their time off and what the plans are for later.

Marky sits next to me. It’s a ritual. We don’t call it superstition or even acknowledge it. It’s just a given. We sit together in the bus, in the plane, and have adjoining rooms when traveling.

“So you really are serious about that chick?” he asks while scrolling through his phone.

“Yup, you can say that. I want to marry her. She knocked me on my ass. Made me see that the only thing missing in my life was her.” I’ve never really discussed my girlfriends with anyone. I’m that type of private guy, but with Parker, I want to shout it from the fucking rooftops so everyone knows.

“Dude, Monica is going to shit a brick. She’s been hanging around lately, more so than before. Discussing wedding plans. I’m taking it she didn’t get the memo that you guys are over?”

“She showed up at my house. It’s like she doesn’t get that it’s over. It was over long before I left. You know it, even she knows it. It’s the fucking title she wants. It’s not going to happen.”

Just then, the door of the bus opens again and in walks the owner of the team followed by the GM, the coach, and then the woman in question, Monica. She is dressed to kill, it seems. Tight black jeans mold her model like legs, and an open brown leather jacket revealing a white tank top under, showing all her goods for everyone to dream of. Not a hair out of place, she looks for me while taking a seat next to her father, winking at me before sitting down.

Coach is saying something, but nothing is getting in. I feel a set-up. I have no idea why she would walk the red carpet. I have no idea why her father is here. Knowing my contract is up this year, maybe he wants to make sure I stay in line and don’t stray.

We finally make it to the arena. Tents are covering the entrance. Fans line both sides, right behind the reporters for the evening. I see a couple that I know. A couple new faces. Looking over at Marky right before we get down, we wish each other luck. Marky is like me. He just wants to play the fucking game.

Tags: Natasha Madison Something So Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024