Unveiling Her Innocence - Billionaire Auctions in Bloom - Page 24

I know this is a lot of work to go through for one woman, but she’s worth it. So I keep saying to myself, yet I can’t let myself admit that I have feelings. I’m just going around in circles in my head.

I spin around in physical circles in the middle of the crowd and sigh. I’m completely frustrated by all of this. How hard can it be to find one person in this small of a room? I’m tempted to just walk out of here, I could use the fresh air, but I know that wouldn’t be right. That’s just my anger and emotions getting the better of me. It’s hard to stay rational in a situation like this.

The crowd parts some, because another auction has ended. Some people pair off. Thankfully, everyone is ignoring me right now. This actually helps me some because I’m able to get a better view of the people around me. I quickly scan the faces, disappointed over and over again.

Still no sign of Lorelai. I sigh and scratch my head in frustration. I don’t think she left, this is her auction, so she has to be here, right? Fuck, I can’t stand feeling all these emotions. It’s too damn frustrating. Life was so much easier before I met her. I wish I could go back to that, but the question is do I really want to? The fact that I’m spending all this time and effort to find her and explain sort of says it all.

Maybe I should just stand against the wall and wait. Maybe visit the bathroom again? I mean I know she’s still here, she has to be. I’ll probably have a better chance of seeing her after the auction, when the night is over and everyone is leaving. That won’t be for a while, though. We haven’t even reached the halfway point. I have no clue what to do, so I just stand there looking around.

The crowd moves forward again. I’m not really paying attention but I think another auction is about to start. It doesn’t hold my interest. Nothing does, only her. The hostess starts speaking, but I turn away from the stage, I can’t give up. I frown as I look in the opposite direction. I’m searching the faces in the crowd for her.

Suddenly, I hear her name being called out. I look around wildly, but I don’t see her. I hear her name mentioned again. I turn around just in time to see her walk out on the stage. My jaw opens in shock. What the hell does she think she’s doing up there? I watch her smile and wave at everyone. She does a cute little spin for the crowd. I can feel anger building inside of me.

“Now everyone, the lovely Ms. Lorelai will be auctioning off her virginity. The bidding will start momentarily.” The hostess announces.

What is happening?! This is the angriest I have ever been. There is no way in hell I am letting her auction that off. At least not to anyone but me. I catch her eye, she glares at me and looks away.

“Oh really? Is that how we’re going to play, little girl?” I think.

The rage burns inside of me. I’m infuriated. The thought of someone else winning this auction, of some slob putting his hands all over her. I’m not going to lose, I’m not going to let someone else take what’s mine.

A few smaller bids pop up. Lorelai actually looks shocked, and if I weren’t so pissed, I’d be amused. If I’m not mistaken she also looks a little bit flattered.

“Ten million!”

The words fly out of my mouth before I can stop them, a massive jump in the numbers. Everyone is shocked into silence. Several people turn to look at me, but I only have eyes for Lorelai. She crosses her arms and avoids my gaze. I’m just as pissed as she is. I’m done playing games. If she’s selling, then I’m buying.

room is absolutely silent. Lorelai finally looks at me. We glare at each for a few seconds. There are no other bids. The hostess clears her throat. “Well, it appears you are the winner. Congratulations!” She says to me, before walking off the stage. There is light applause from some people. The shock of my extravagant bid has worn off. People go back to their own conversations. I may have won, but I’m still pissed at Lorelai. I can’t get over what she was auctioning off up there.

I try to remain calm, but its damn near impossible. I want to march up to the stage, yank her off there and give her a piece of my mind. In fact that’s what I start to do. She is still glaring at me, so I match her gaze. There’s only a short distance between us ,so I close it in a few angry strides.

Tags: Jamie Knight Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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