Unveiling Her Innocence - Billionaire Auctions in Bloom - Page 28

Chapter 17


After we finish, I lay weakly in his arms. He has to hold me up. We spend a few minutes holding onto each other like this, though it feels like an eternity. I can’t get over how amazing that was! I mean I always hoped that losing my virginity would be spectacular, but this was far better than anything I could have ever come up with.

I can feel him move around underneath me. This brings me back to reality a little bit. I don’t want to, but I slowly lift myself off of him. I still feel a little dazed, so I’m not really concentrating on anything. Eventually I am aware that he is talking to me.

“Lorelai?” He asks me.

I turn to look at him. I’m having a little trouble focusing. All I can manage to say is “Hmmmmmm?”

He laughs gently and gets up from the desk. He buttons his pants and tucks in his shirt. He walks over to me and pulls my dress back down, so I’m decent once again. He looks me directly in the face. I struggle to concentrate on him.

“I was wondering if you wanted me to take you home?” He asks, suddenly timid.

I can hear the hesitation in his voice and it snaps me out of my daze. I blink a few times before I am able to completely focus on him.

“Um. Thank you, that’s very sweet. I would like that.” I reply softly.

I’m not sure why some of my old shyness around him has returned. It’s silly that I should be acting that way, considering what we just did

I look around in confusion. “Where did I put my sweater?” I mumble aloud.

He is putting on his own suit jacket. He looks around the room, “Here it is,” he hands me the sweater and my purse as well.

“Thank you,” I reply softly.

For the first time he offers me a small glimpse of a smile before looking away quickly. I look away as well. It might have been a small smile, but at least it was something. I hurry to put my sweater on and slide my purse over my shoulder. I look up at him. “All set?” He asks me.

I nod, and we walk out together. He pauses to let me walk in front of him.

I still feel weak from our sex. I have never used my muscles like that before. I stumble slightly. I feel his arms grab my waist to hold onto me. “Oh my gosh, I am so embarrassed!” I exclaim aloud.

I honestly am. My whole entire face turns red. I turn to look at him and I can see that his eyes are filled with amusement.

“You didn’t even turn this red when you were mad at me,” he jokes.

I blush even more and we both laugh. He scoops me up in his arms. I gasp and try to hold on to my purse as I rest against his chest. “Now we can get you home faster,” he says.

All I can do is stare at him in awe. We ignore everyone that is in the crowd. I think they are still having the auction, or it’s just ending. I can talk to the director later. Right now I’m just excited to be spending this much time with Gabriel. I can’t waste any second of it. We walk out of the shop. He carries me outside and down the street.

I tear my gaze away from him eventually and look around. “I’m so sorry, I had no idea you parked all the way over here!” I exclaim.

I feel bad that he is carrying me all this way. He scoffs, “It’s not a big deal ” he replies.

To be honest, it doesn’t look like he has any trouble carrying me at all.

We are silent the rest of the walk. He puts me down by the car and opens the door for me. Once I’m safe inside, he closes it and also gets in. He starts the engine and we speed away. The drive to my home is quiet. My mind is still on everything that happened. This has been such a crazy night. I squirm in my seat. I can’t believe I finally lost my virginity. I look at him to make sure he doesn’t notice my movements

His gaze is fixed on the road. I try to study his face. I realize I am more attracted to him now, maybe because of what we did. I can feel myself getting turned on again. I want more of him. To feel him naked. I don’t want this night to end. I yearn for him, not just physically but in other ways as well. I want to take the parts of him that are broken and kiss them better. He finally noticed me looking at him. I quickly turn away before he can ask me anything. He just shrugs and turns his eyes back to the road

Tags: Jamie Knight Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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