Unveiling Her Innocence - Billionaire Auctions in Bloom - Page 35

I hurry to put on my heels, careful not to damage the hem of my dress. I grab my bouquet and walk out of the bathroom. I wait by the doors to the chapel. I take a deep breath. My heart is pounding in my chest. Gabriel and my future is waiting for me on the other side of these doors. Suddenly it hits me, and I feel dizzy. It was never about the actual ceremony. All the planning and preparation was useless. All that I ever wanted was to find my Gabriel. He is my fairytale, not this wedding. I would be happy getting married barefoot in the woods as long as I ended up with him.

That thought becomes even more clear as the chapel doors swing open and I see him standing there. The music plays and I walk slowly down the aisle to him. Tears of joy feel my eyes. I can see his smile from here. Once I reach the altar we exchange vows. Afterwards, we opt for a sweet, quick kiss.

We felt it was better to save the more passionate stuff for the honeymoon.

We hold hands as we walk back down the aisle together. Neither of us can stop smiling. From here, we are heading straight to the reception. It feels like everything is happening so fast that I can’t wrap my head around it. But then again, fast seems to be the only speed we know.

Everyone cheers us as we walk into the reception hall. My friend Tammy gives me a big hug. I hug her back and follow Gabriel to our seats at the table. There is music playing and everyone is eating from the buffet. They are talking and having a great time. Suddenly Gabriel picks up his champagne glass and taps it with the handle of a fork. “Can I have everyone’s attention please?” He asks.

Everyone stops talking and turns to look at him. “I’d like to thank you all for sharing this joyous experience with us. I’d also like to thank my beautiful bride for all her hard work in creating such a memorable event, ” he says.

He’s trying to keep tears out of his eyes as he talks. I’m hanging on his every word.

“Not only has she invested so much time and effort into the wedding and her business, but in me as well. I’d like to thank her for never giving up on me. For bringing love into my life, and guiding me on this journey. As long as she is by my side, I’ll be happy for the rest of my life. To my beautiful wife ,Lorelai. ” he says, holding out his champagne glass.

“To Lorelai!” Everyone echoes him.

They all sip their champagne. I pull him in for another kiss and wipe the tears from my cheeks.

I stand with my glass. “It’s my turn to make a toast.,” I announce.

Everyone chuckles and raises their glasses again. “I never thought I would make it to this day. I’m not talking about the ceremony, but about finding my soulmate,” I pause to look at Gabe and continue talking.

“Though we met under crazy circumstances, my heart called out for you. I knew there was something in you that I needed and vice versa. We have had an amazing life together so far, and I think it will only get better. We have brought nothing but joy and happiness to each other’s lives. I believe that’s what true love is. That’s the type of love I have always dreamed of and now I have it. I look forward to my future with you because I know it will be filled with nothing but love and happiness. I couldn’t ask for anything better than that.” My voice breaks a little on the last word.

Several people including Gabriel are also teary eyed. “To Gabriel, my love and my life, and my future.” People echo my toast and we all sip champagne. Gabriel pulls me into a hug and gives me the sweetest kiss. He looks at me and I can tell he is at a loss for words. We just smile at each other and enjoy the rest of the reception.

It’s the perfect way to kick off the rest of our lives.

The End

Tags: Jamie Knight Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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