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Under His Watchful Eye

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I blush looking at our desk because the memory of Liam stretching out my legs while he pounded me into the desk is still fresh in my mind. He said he wanted to see me bent over it and we ended up doing much more than that in positions that shouldn’t even be legal.

Am I on my way to love? It is a thought that has been persistent in me for a while now.

Because he feels like my home everytime we are together. Even with him sleeping on the other side of the wall.

I am about to sit and start working when the office phone rings. I try to ignore it, but then decide it might be important so I rush to it and take it.

I regret that snoopy decision seconds later.

Before I say anything, Michael’s voice from IT comes through. He sounds so excited as he goes off.

“Sir the breach seems to be coming from both Anna Mallon and Tim Buck’s computers. It seems the marketing department needs a little cleansing, but that is not my place to advise. Just let me know what kind of action you need us to take.”

He stops waiting for Liam to answer, but I am frozen.

“Mr. Thorne?”

I bang down the receiver before I even realize what I am doing and back away from the phone. My legs are shaking so badly that I collapse into the nearest chair not caring whether it is mine or not. There is one thought going over and over my mind.

It was too good to be true.

If I were in Liam’s shoes, I would not believe the word of a simle employee just because I am sleeping with her if I believed she was endangering my company. I am not Liam’s wife, not even a girlfriend. There is no commitment or feeling beyond mutual pleasure. There has been a breach in the company that was being investigated and he never breathed a word of it to me. In this very office he has asked for my opinion on any and everything including big decisions. He never told me this because I was a suspect right from the start.

When the phone rings again, it jolts me into action and I can literally feel the adrenalin fill me up. Immediately, I disconnect the phone and leave it hanging so that it can’t ring again and wake Liam up. I consider grabbing my laptop but decide against it. Michael said that it was my computer that was involved so maybe there is a way to vindicate me through it. I leave it behind and grab my phone instead, my pens, my notebook, and my iPod. The only thing that shows I was ever in the office is my laptop and a few papers on the printer. The thought to call a cab and get out of here is automatic so I follow it and call one up immediately.

I try to hurry up on the hallway, but it is not an easy feat considering I am on my tipsy toes. Still, I manage to make it to the guest room I was given to grab my bag of clothes. It is funny that I complained about carrying a few items, but now I am grateful about that very fact. I tip toe again out of the room, down the hallway, down the stairs, and out of the house.

It was never meant to be- I realize.

I might have been on my way to loving Liam Thorne but I can see how foolish that would have been now. I simply saw a potential between us that wasn’t there when I was nothing but an outlet for his desires until the quarantine period was over. The crush he had on me was purely sexual, and never held any possibility for more.

It feels like hours pass as I wait in front of the house for the cab to arrive, but realistically, only half an hour goes by. When it finally pulls up in front of me, I all but jump inside it. I should be angry for the lack of trust, but I am sad and scared instead. Sad because I am more naive than I thought, and scared because I don’t know if I will be arrested for something I did not do.

Why does it hurt this way?

Why does it feel like someone just curved out my heart and left me with an empty hole?

Because you love him Anna- my inner thoughts answer. You weren’t on your way to love because you are already in love.

I want to analyze that thought even more, but I decide to push it away so that I can concentrate on what to do.

When we get to my house, I hurriedly pay the driver with the bills I had in my bag the day I went to Liam’s house and ask him to keep the meter running. I am naive, but I do know staying in my house will get me arrested quick while I wait for them to dig around my computer. Besides, Thorne Tech does not deal kindly with saboteurs. In the three years I have been in Thorne Tech, I have seen Liam hire the best lawyers to get an internal saboteur maximum sentence. He has a way of looking calm and dangerous when dealing with such matters and I would hate to have such vehemence aimed towards me. Based on previous observation, Liam, IT, and Thorne Tech’s security will investigate on their own first before they report anything. Quickly, I jolt down a note for him to find and place it on the coffee table.

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