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Under The Clerk - Beyond the Law

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And just like that, we’re married with a baby on the way. I don’t care what anyone says about this being too fast. When you know, you know and no amount of time is going to change that.

I move her into my house immediately and make love to her as soon as we walk in the door. We stay up all night talking. I tell her about my political aspirations and she tells me about her dream to design fancy dresses for women of all shapes sizes.

Together we can do anything and we will. Love knows no limits and it never fails.



Six Months Later

“Beck, don’t stop,” I demand as my husband fucks me so hard the headboard sounds like it’s about to go right through the wall. He’s going to wake up Kyle if he keeps this up, but selfishly I don’t want him to stop. Practicality wins out in the end though. I turn to look at him over my shoulder. He looks like a Greek god. I bite my lip as he hits my spot and then I moan.

“Don’t look at me like that Taryn,” he says as he smacks my ass loudly. “You know what that look does to me.”

“Of course, I do. Why do you think I do it?”

“Beck, the baby,” I whisper.

“I’m getting rid of the headboard tomorrow, or I’m moving the bed to the center of the room,” he groans, still slamming into me.

“Whatever you want, just don’t stop but be quiet,” I growl. He’s done this to me. He’s turned me into a feral cat who’s in heat all the time. I want this man more than I want my next breath and that doesn’t compute with me.

In the end, I’m the one who can’t be quiet. I scream my release as he fills me with his seed again. Fuck, I love that. He pulls out of me and I roll onto my back, collapsing, gasping for air. He lays beside me. We’ve been so busy this week. He announced his plans to run for senator and ever since then people have been talking to me non-stop. Good things kids teach you to expect the unexpected because I don’t know how I’d handle something like this without baby Kyle. Life is perfect and I am helping my husband reach his goals, obtain his dream. This is what I was put here for. To make him as happy as he makes me and that’s simply perfect.

At first, our parents hated the idea of us being married, but once we told his parents I was pregnant, they changed their tune. Since mine already knew, I had to set them straight, reminding them I was twenty-one and what was done was done. They got it eventually. Though they haven’t gotten over it totally yet, our parents have calmed down with their thoughts on how we are making a mistake, about how I can’t handle this, but so far, I’m handling everything in stride. With Beck by my side, holding my hand, I can get through anything. He doesn’t know it, but he saved me from myself. My mind was a prison that I couldn’t get out of until I met him. My mind still works differently, but I know right from wrong and now I know what unconditional love is. Love that isn’t tied by obligation, such as that of a parent, but love that grew out of nothing into something amazing.

No one thought we’d last, but I know where I belong and that’s under the clerk, at least for now, I think as he climbs back on top of me, hard and ready for round two.



Seven Years Later

January 21st, 2029

“I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help me God,” I repeat to the Chief Justice. I don’t know how I got here. It seems surreal to me, but here we are. Taryn is right next to me holding our Bible. I shoot her a wink. She smiles at me, tears in her eyes. I know she has to be freaking out, but she’s hiding it well. My vision came true minus the fur coat. Who knew so many people were opposed to fur? She designed all eleven dresses she’ll wear before the day is out. She also designed all of my vice president, and best friend, Lance’s wife, Lisa’s for the day.

Our three oldest children, Kyle, Hannah, and Jessica sit quietly, but excited, with my parents a few rows back. Next to them is Taryn’s parents. Her mother is holding our youngest, Kyra, who was born on the campaign trail in September.

“Congratulations, Mr. President,” Justice Gottlemeyer says, shaking my hand. Just like that, I’ve become the youngest president of the United States at forty-one. I stand with my vice-president, Lance Forney. We take pictures and then Taryn stands beside me. She looks amazing in her pale blue day dress, as I was told it was called this morning. Amazing but frozen, so I pull her to me. Optics be damned. I guess it’s a pretty novel idea that a president loves only his wife but fuck it. I kiss her soundly and the crowds at the capital cheer for us. Taryn turns beet red but says nothing. Tonight, we party but tomorrow the real work of running a country begins. I don’t think my time in the Senate adequately prepared me for this, but I am going to fix this country one way or another. While we were at the inauguration, highly skilled federal movers moved out the last president and moved us in. After they formally left and gifts were exchanged, we finally had a few minutes of peace in our new bedroom.

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