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Kept from You (Tear Asunder 4)

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Seven days.

Ten fights.

I had swollen knuckles, a bruised jaw and cracked ribs.

The wounds were from the seventeen-year-old bully I went head to head with all fuckin’ week.

My first day there, he’d shoved a kid to the floor in the hallway. I took him to the ground and warned him not to do it again, or he wouldn’t like the consequences.

He didn’t listen.

He also knew when and where to jump me without getting caught. The first time was at night in the washroom when I was brushing my teeth. And it turned out he was a better fighter than me.

We fought the rest of the week. Which stopped his bullying of the other kids, but it was the first time I got the shit kicked out of me.

On day seven, my uncle showed up and got me out. An uncle I’d never met as he and my dad were estranged.

And that was it. I moved in with him and never spoke to my dad again. That was until five months ago.

“So, what did the chick want? Suck your pierced cock?” Crisis asked, laughing.

I stiffened, not liking him talking about Savvy that way. Normally, it wouldn’t bother me, but today it fuckin’ did. “A job,” I said.

Logan’s brows lifted. “Doing what?”

“She wants me to put in a good word with Brett.”

Ream stretched out his legs and crossed his ankles. “Secretary? Fuck, that chick just needs to show up at Brett’s office, and he’ll hire her.”

My jaw clenched. Brett was a player and he didn’t hide the fact. I’d heard he’d had a girlfriend at one time, but ever since I’d known him, he’d played the field. Sometimes a girl would last a few days, a few weeks or even a few months, but nothing permanent. “Not at his office. At Compass. Dancing.”

Crisis laughed. “Fuck. She doesn’t need a good word for that either. You can hire her for Compass.”

They knew I’d invested in the club and they also knew why. I didn’t keep much from the guys except Crisis and Ream didn’t know about my kid brother, Emmitt, and all they knew about my mother was she’d died before my father and I moved to Canada when I was thirteen.

Logan pretty much knew everything.

“I’m not hiring her.”

“Why not?” Crisis asked.

Typical Crisis, needing all the answers. “She’s not a go-go dancer.”

“It’s not stripping. And Compass is high-class,” Ream said.

“He doesn’t like the idea of her dancing in front of leering drunk guys,” Crisis said, smirking.

It took a lot, but I shrugged. “She can do whatever she wants, except work at Compass.”

I met Logan’s eyes as he cleared his throat and he moved the conversation on to the party at Crisis and Haven’s penthouse. It was for those involved with the charity, so Tristan Mason with his girl, Chess, who had adopted a little boy from the center, would be there, as well as Deck, Georgie, and a few other friends. There’d also be the people who donated tons of money and liked to mingle with the few celebrities coming.

I wasn’t a fan of parties, clubs, or big social gatherings. They weren’t my thing. I’d rather go fuckin’ bowling or play some pool with a few friends. Fake smiling, small talk, and mingling, I didn’t do.

I chugged my beer then leaned my head back, closing my eyes. Immediately an image of Savvy slammed into me.

Sexy. Flushed. Beautiful.

Rare. That was what she was.

And what made her even more special was that she still seemed to have no clue how rare she was.

“I can’t believe you didn’t get on your knees and taste some of that while you had the chance,” my bestie Mars said. “Oh, my God, I bet it’s pierced.”

It had been two days since the concert and Killian was never far from my mind. Actually, he’d infiltrated it with his Greek god powers. And Mars wasn’t helping by talking about his cock. Especially as I was pretty sure she was right and it was pierced. There was a tweak in my lower belly, and I crossed my legs under the table.

We were at Compass, and I had yet to tell Mars why we were here, except for a girls’ night out. But it was far more than that.

“Can we not talk about his cock?” I raised my voice so she could hear me over the loud music in the background just as a guy passed our table.

His head turned toward me and he smirked. I quickly looked away and sipped from my straw, but my drink was empty so it made a slurping sound.

She shrugged. “Hey, it’s not like you don’t know him, and he’s freakin’ hot. I can’t even imagine what he’s like in bed. Or against the wall or on the floor. Savvy, you so need to test drive that.”

“I’m not test driving anything.” I’d more than likely never see him again. It wasn’t like we ran in the same circles. Rock star and starving modern dance teacher with rumors like a black cloud hanging over her head didn’t mix. It didn’t matter that the rumors were lies my ex-boyfriend David spread when I’d caught him in our bed with one of his students. But since he was a well-known and respected dancer, his word was pretty much law over mine.

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