Kept from You (Tear Asunder 4) - Page 34

I nodded. “I’d rather not meet him looking like this.”

His expression softened. “Don’t worry about it. He’s used to fans drooling over him.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m not going to drool all over him. Plus, he looked kind of pissed off.”

“The club isn’t his favorite place. He’s not pissed off.”

“Like fuck I’m not,” Killian said, coming up behind us.

I gasped. Crap.

“Kite?” Greg questioned, his hand on the small of my back dropping away when Killian’s furious glare went from me to Greg’s hand on me then back to Greg’s face.

There was really nothing for me to say except, “Hey, Killian.”

“Hey, Killian?” His jaw clenched. “Jesus, Savvy. What the fuck? What the ever-loving fuck?”

Greg shifted closer to me because Killian was really pissed and Greg’s job was to protect me, even if it was from a famous rock star. It was nice to know he had my back. I was really liking Greg.

“Is there a problem?” This was not from Greg or Kite. This was from Brett Westhill, the club owner who I now noticed stood behind Killian.

Killian’s glare shifted from me to Brett. “This is Savvy Grady.

Brett’s eyes widened for a second, and then he said, “Fuck. No way.”

“Yeah, fuck,” Killian barked, then looked back at me. “What part of our conversation did you not get? I told you, not in my fuckin’ club.”

I jolted. What? His club? What was he talking about? “Your club?”

I peered at Greg who looked uncomfortable as he stood stiffly beside me, uncertain as to what was going on. But Brett appeared rather amused as he crossed his arms over his broad chest and leaned his hip against the stair railing.

He was hot, a different kind of hot than Killian as they were complete opposites. Where Killian was dark and mysterious, Brett was blond and carefree, wearing his emotions on his face. I’d heard he was also a huge flirt, too, whereas I couldn’t really see Killian flirting. He definitely hadn’t in school.

No, he’d be the type to tell a girl to get on her knees and suck his cock, and she’d simply do it.

I swallowed then realized my eyes had shifted to Killian’s crotch. Jesus. My gaze darted up to his face, and his brows were drawn over his eyes with a crease between them.

“I own half,” Killian ground out.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I don’t advertise it.”

Oh. Okay. Well, that explains why he’d been here during the day on Wednesday. He partially owned the place, which I found odd because Greg said he wasn’t even a fan of the club. Then why get into the business? It wasn’t like he needed the money.

“She’s not dancing here,” he said to Brett.

I curled my fingers around the handrail and even though my posture was always good, I straightened more, raising my chin. “I’m already dancing here. I did.”

“And you won’t again.”

“We’ll see.” The sexy mouth I’d once tasted was not looking too appealing right now as the devilish corners tipped down. Lips were pressed together as he clamped his jaw. Okay, maybe not the smartest thing to say to Killian in his current state.

He glared at Greg. “Put her in the office. After she gets out of those clothes.” He turned to walk in the other direction.

“I’m not going to sit in an office while you make me feel like I’m in trouble.”

Killian stopped. Strode back and got right in my space, the railing the only reason his chest wasn’t against mine. “You don’t need to feel like you’re in trouble. You are in fuckin’ trouble.”

This time it was me who stepped back and found myself right against Greg. “How did you know it was me?”

Some of the tension eased from around his eyes, but not enough that I was confident there wasn’t going to be some shouting in his office.

“Savvy, I know every single fuckin’ way your body moves even after eleven years. So, you wearing a mask thinking I wouldn’t recognize you dance… not a fuckin’ chance.”

My mouth gaped. He knew how my body moved? He recognized how I danced? How was that even possible? When had he ever seen me dance? “You know how my body moves?”

He didn’t respond. He turned and strode through the crowd. There was no waiting for people to get out of his way; they moved. My eyes trailed after him all the way to a side door where there was an Emergency Exit sign above.

“He’s leaving?” Maybe I could grab my stuff and get out of here after all. It looked like I’d need to go back to waitressing for a while.

“No. Gone outside to cool off,” Brett said.

“Oh.” Cool off was good. Having to go outside to cool off—not so good.

“Never seen him like that before. He’s a pretty laid-back guy, but then Kite has never been interested in a chick either.” Brett winked. “But he’s certainly interested in you.”

Tags: Nashoda Rose Tear Asunder Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024