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Kept from You (Tear Asunder 4)

Page 61

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Something that demanded.

Something that controlled.


That was what it was—owning.

The signals indicated that Killian got whatever he desired. And tonight, it was me.

I leaned over the counter as the thought slammed into me and my face heated and sex clenched.

God, what was I thinking? But from my body’s reaction, I knew exactly what I was thinking.

Sex with Killian. Rough, demanding sex that owned a woman’s body. Protected. Coveted.

I turned on the taps, cupped my hands under the steady stream and brought the cool water to my face.

Was I strong enough to have sex with him and keep my heart? My heart had already been broken once. I’d trusted David, and he’d taken advantage of that trust. He’d made promises and broke them. Maybe I was blinded by those promises of a family and a home, but it had still hurt like hell.

Except this was about sex. Sex with Killian, not a relationship. He wasn’t making promises.

But there’d be no question experiencing Killian would leave bits of myself behind just like it had with my first kiss.

And then there was the issue of him paying me to date him. If I slept with him, what would that make me?

“Are you dating Kite?”

I darted upright at the woman’s voice, having not heard the door open.

Water dripped down my cheeks, and I quickly reached for the paper towels and dried my face before the water stained my dress.

I looked at her in the reflection of the mirror. She was about twenty or so, with long brown hair and light amber streaks. It reached past her shoulders, and there were some layers at the front that framed her soft, pretty face. Well, it would be soft if it weren’t for the harsh eyeliner and bright blue eye shadow.

“Uh, yes.”

“I saw you go into the washroom and well, I didn’t want to come to your table because I heard he likes his privacy, but I really, really like him.” She inhaled then trudged on. “I like his playing. On the drums, I mean. I’ve seen Tear Asunder in concert four times, and Kite is so calm and easygoing when he plays. He’s mesmerizing.” Another deep inhale. “I love Ream, too. He’s intense and God, he’s so sweet and protective with Kat. Well, all the guys are from what I’ve read and seen. Emily is a sweetheart and rescues horses, and Sculpt isn’t into them, but I’ve seen pictures of him at her horse whispering clinics supporting her. Oh, and Haven is like an angel and helps kids on the street.” Another breath. “They are the coolest band around. Sometimes they do surprise gigs at Avalanche where they first started playing. It’s so cool of them.”

When she paused to take another breath, I quickly interrupted, “Would you like his autograph?”

“Oh, my God, would I? Yes. Yes. I was going to ask if you could maybe ask him.”

I smiled. “I’ll ask. But I’m sure he’ll be fine with it.” It was weird because to me, Kite was just Killian. But these girls saw him as a god. An idol.

I laughed to myself as I led the girl back to our table because I’d compared him to Zeus that day on the school steps.

Killian stood beside the table talking to François when I approached with the girl trailing behind.

“Thank you, François,” I said. He took my hand and kissed the back of it. “The meal was amazing.” Everything had been perfect, including Killian.

“Mademoiselle, it was our pleasure, and when we are not so busy, you must meet my other half.”

“I’d like that,” I replied, but that was unlikely to happen since our arrangement was over in a month.

He nodded to Killian and then weaved through the tables.

“Killia—” I stopped myself, remembering the fans called him Kite. “Kite, this is…”

“Jenny,” the girl offered, stepping from behind me.

“Jenny,” I continued. “Do you think you could give her your autograph?” I tried not to laugh because it was odd seeing him as a celebrity.

Of course, Killian saw me biting my lip to stop myself from laughing and rolled his eyes.

Then he shifted his attention to the girl. “Of course,” he replied.

The girl took over from there and repeated pretty much what she’d told me in the washroom, except this time at warp speed.

Killian politely listened.

I tilted my chin down to hide my smile.

If only these girls knew what Killian was like before. They wouldn’t even consider walking up to him and asking for his autograph.

The girl finally bounced away with Killian’s name scrolled across a cocktail napkin. I thought of that day I found the orchid on my trailer steps.

The note where he’d signed his name. It read Killian though, not Kite. I still had it tucked away in a book that sat beside the orchid.

“Ready?” he asked.

“Yes. Thank you for dinner.” His gaze flicked to my mouth, and his eyes smoldered. “I was thinking maybe… well, you have fans here and they’re watching so maybe I should kiss you? For the publicity, I mean.”

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