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Kept from You (Tear Asunder 4)

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His fingers curled around my wrist that was holding his pants, and he slowly dragged them down while I held them. His cock sprung free and his pants pooled on the floor.

“We want the same fuckin’ things, Savvy.”

“A home? Family? Kids?” I asked.

He scowled, jaw clenching. “It will work.”

“Killian, I can’t do it again. Be with someone for years and find out they don’t want what I do.”

“Don’t ever compare me to that asshole,” he ground out.

“I’m not comparing you to him. You’re nothing like him. I’m being clear as to what I want, and I want a home.”

“You can’t deny that you want me.”

“I’m not. I do.” But eventually that wouldn’t be enough.

“Just you. That’s all I need. And I need you right now.” His eyes trailed down my naked body then back up again to meet my eyes. “You ready to play, Savvy?”

My eyes widened and my breath locked in my throat. I nodded.

He shook his head. “No, baby. I need words. Unless of course my cock is in your mouth or you’re gagged.”

Holy fucking shit.

My sex pulsed, throbbed, quivered and my voice crackled as I said, “Yes.”

“Good. Finish watching the movie. I’ll clean up first.”

He was going to leave me like this? My body aching for his touch while he cleaned up—naked.

“I’ll help,” I said, rising and the sheet falling to the floor. I sure as hell couldn’t concentrate on a movie now.

“Like fuck.” He hooked my waist when I went to grab a few empty containers. “Sit. Watch your movie.” He smirked. “Or watch me. But I want you here on the couch waiting for me.” He ran his hand down my body to my mound and slid his fingers on either side of the folds. “Christ. Soaked.”

I arched into him moaning as his finger circled my entrance, but he didn’t put it inside me. Instead, he dragged his wet fingertips up my body all the way to my mouth. He didn’t have to ask this time as I opened my mouth. He slipped his finger inside and I tasted myself.

“Sit,” he urged.

I did.

He put his hands on my thighs and gently spread them apart. “Stay like that.”


“Legs apart, baby.”

I opened my mouth to tell him I couldn’t because, God, I ached for him and keeping my legs open was painful without him touching me. But I clamped my mouth closed, and he chuckled before turning and giving me a good view of his ass as he collected the containers and took them into the kitchen.

I tried not to look over at her on the couch, legs parted, chest rapidly rising and falling, face flushed under the dim ceiling lights. Putting the containers in the bin, I took my time wiping off the counter that didn’t need wiping and rinsing out the sink.

She wanted kids. A family. A home.

I wanted to give her that, but I didn’t know if I could. I’d never considered any of those things before, but with her… maybe after shit settled with my father there was a chance? Fuck, losing her wasn’t an option.

When the credits rolled on the TV, I walked over and picked up the controller and shut it off. Without looking at her, I strode back into the kitchen.

Silence. That was what I wanted. Just the sound of her breathing. Opening the freezer, I took out an ice cube tray and bent it so the cubes popped free then put them into a bowl.

I heard the slight hitch in her breath at the sound of the ice cracking. I was betting she was an ice virgin. Good.

I knew I wasn’t her first with sex, but this was something much more than fucking. It was incredibly intimate and sensual. It was about trust and losing yourself to the other person. Submitting. Trusting.

I didn’t have a candle, which I’d have preferred, but I had honey, and it would have a similar effect when heated. I reached up into the cupboard and took out the honey. After squeezing some into a glass, I placed it in the microwave.

While I waited for it to heat, I looked over at Savvy who was very quiet on the couch.

My body stilled as I stared. Christ, so fuckin’ perfect.

Her eyes were closed, head tilted to rest on the back of the couch as if she were sleeping, but I knew she wasn’t.

Not with her legs parted and her hands resting on her inner thighs as if she was debating whether to touch herself.

She was listening, and when the microwave dinged, there was a subtle jerk of her body. I padded across the space to my closet and took out one of my ties. Then I picked up the bowl of ice and the glass of honey and went back to her.

“Keep your eyes closed,” I instructed while placing the bowl and glass on the coffee table. “I’m going to blindfold you with my tie.”

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