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Kept from You (Tear Asunder 4)

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I froze as I stared at her. Needing a moment to just watch her without her knowing I was. Like I used to do in high school.

Fuck, it was hard to believe she was mine. That she’d placed all her good bits in my hand and trusted me with them.

Christ, I wanted to pick her up and toss her over my shoulder and take her home.


I’d never called a place home before. But Savvy made it home.

“Kite?” Matt said.

I jerked my eyes from Savvy to Matt who held a beer for me. “Thanks.”

He nodded to the group of girls. “Didn’t realize the woman you’re dating is best friends with Mars.”

I frowned. “You know Mars?”

He nodded. “Met her at my gym a few weeks ago. But it wasn’t the best introduction.”

“Scaring off the women again, Matt?” Logan said, grinning.

He snorted. “A female going to the gym by herself at three in the morning is fuckin’ stupid.”

“And you told her that,” I said. Matt was single, and he was likely still single because all he focused on was Avalanche and looking after his sister, Kat. Although he didn’t need to do that anymore as she had Ream, and Kat could look after herself. I got it though as he’d raised her since he was eighteen after their parents had died. I’d be the same way if Emmitt had lived.

Logan shook his head. “I hope you weren’t interested because calling her stupid would put a dent in your chances of dating her.”

Matt’s gaze shifted across the bar to where Savvy stood. Beside her was Mars. And from the way Matt was looking at her, he was interested. Although as far as I knew Matt was never interested in a girl for long.

“Don’t hurt her,” I said. “I don’t want Savvy pissed at you because you fucked her best friend and never called.”

Matt didn’t respond; instead, he clanged his beer with ours. “Need to go check on the band. Fuckin’ lead singer is a complete ass. I’d kick him out of here if I had another band on standby.” His dark brows lifted. “Want to call Ream and Crisis? Impromptu show?”

“No,” I said. I wanted to spend time with Savvy. I had eleven years to make up for. It was then I saw her head turn in my direction, and my heart stopped.

The look in her eyes. Fuck. It was like everything I wanted to say to her was written there. Desire. Need. Want. Trust. And yeah, love.

“Jesus,” I muttered under my breath.

She smiled and my heart kick-started again. I made my way toward her and she whispered something to Mars, who looked over at me, and she smiled and winked at me. Then Mars’s gaze shifted to the far right in the direction Matt had gone.

Savvy set her fruity drink on the bar top as I reached her. I ran my hand down the curve of her back to the cusp of her ass. Cupping her chin, I bent and kissed her.

“Savvy,” I murmured against her lips. “Fuck, I missed you.”

She laughed. “I saw you this morning.”

“My point exactly.” I glanced up at Mars, Frankie, and the girls from Compass saying hi to all of them. “Going to steal my girl for a minute.”

Bree wiggled her brows. “You hear that, Hijack? He called you his girl. Yep, I need to find me a guy like Kite.”

“Hijack?” She laughed, and I slid my hand in hers then weaved through the crowd. Logan was at the bar sitting with Vic, one of Deck’s special-ops guys who was nursing bottled water.

“Where are we going?” she asked, her heels clicking behind me.

I opened the bar flap then closed it behind us before walking through the swinging doors into the back.

As soon as I was sure we were alone, I shoved her against the wall. Then I kissed her like I really wanted to kiss her when I’d seen her, but couldn’t.

I grabbed her wrists and slammed then up against the wall above her head. “Move in with me,” I growled.

She drew back, but she couldn’t go far. “Killian. I can’t.”

I nipped her lower lip then kissed her again. My piercing clanged against her teeth as our mouths moved. Fierce. Violent. Hungry.

“Move in, Savvy.” This wasn’t like the car where I could just get rid of her apartment. She had concerns after her dick ex, and I got it, but I didn’t have to like it. I wanted to know she was at my place. Our place.

I pulled back, my gaze heated. “I want you with me.”

She was panting from the bruising kiss and her lips were swollen. “I can’t.”

“Damn it, I don’t like you there.” I not only didn’t like her in that building, I wanted her with me. I wanted to wake up with her. Go to sleep with her every night.

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