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Poles Apart

Page 22

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Just after half past eleven he walked in, on his own for a change. He grinned at me and headed over to the bar where I was standing. “So, what’s a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?” he teased.

“I’m not a nice girl,” I replied, raising my eyebrows suggestively.

He narrowed his eyes playfully. “No, you’re not. You’re a disease-ridden little temptress. I had antibiotics for a week because of your germs, you know!”

I laughed and patted his chest, leaving my hand there, feeling his heart beating under my palm. “Aww, poor baby. Did you catch a little sore throat?” I teased, running my fingertip over his Adam’s apple.

He nodded, pouting. “And I had no one to kiss mine better and rub my feet for me. I had to suffer all alone.” His hands gripped my hips, pulling me closer to him. His smell surrounded me, making my mouth water. Is it too early to ask him if he wants to go to the backroom? I could barely breathe through my excitement.

I flicked my eyes behind him, waiting for his friends to walk in; he never came here on his own. “Where’s your entourage?” I joked, rubbing myself against him teasingly, making his fingers dig into my skin.

“I’m on my own. They don’t know I’m here. I only came for an hour then I need to drive back to Dorset. I have a meeting tomorrow morning with my sponsors, so I have to leave soon. I just need to wait until after midnight.” He shrugged and traced his hand up and down my back, making goosebumps erupt on my skin.

“You have to drive to Dorset for a meeting tomorrow? What time does it start?” I questioned. Dorset was where his team were based so he usually spent a lot of time there, probably about half of the week, at least from what he’d told me.


I frowned. “Isn’t it like a two-and-a-half-hour drive from here to Dorset?”

He nodded. “Just under,” he confirmed, taking my hand and pulling me toward the last empty table in my section. “That’s why I’m late. I wanted to get here for ten so I could see you, but my time trials ran late and then I had a meeting with the engineers. Then there was an accident on the motorway so I got stuck there for over an hour. I’ve had a damn nightmare day. It’s always like that when you want to get somewhere.”

Time trials? “You were driving today?” I asked. He smiled and nodded, pulling me down onto his lap. “In Dorset?” I probed. He nodded again. My brain tried to make sense of what he was saying. “So, you drove from Dorset to London, then you’re leaving just after midnight to go back to Dorset again? Why are you making a five-hour round trip?”

Has this boy gone crazy?

He laughed and pushed me off his lap. “Go get me a drink, Em. I’ll have a Pepsi.”

Still confused, I gave him a curtsey. “Yes, Mr Matthews,” I said sarcastically. As I headed over to the bar, my mind was still trying to work out why he would do that. Driving all that way for an hour, it just seemed like such a waste of time.

The night was busy. I barely got to spend time with Carson because all my tables were full, so I was flitting about here, there and everywhere. When I finally did get a few minutes free, I headed over to him straightaway. Setting another Pepsi down in front of him, I looked at him apologetically. “Sorry, baby. It’s manic tonight.” I motioned around a little helplessly at my busy tables, which all seemed momentarily satisfied.

He took my hand, pulling me down onto the little velvet seat next to him. When he looked at his watch, his smile grew more pronounced. “Happy birthday, Emma.”

Happy birthday? I glanced at his watch to see it was ten past twelve. Technically, it was now my birthday; he was right. I laughed, a little taken aback. How does he always remember my birthday? Every freaking year he remembers! “Thanks.”

He stood and shoved his hand in his pocket before sitting back down and holding his hand out to me. “It’s after midnight, so it’s officially your birthday. Therefore, you’re allowed to have this.”

In his hand sat a little box about the size of his palm. It was a black leather box – obviously jewellery. My heart sped at the adorability of him. He remembered my birthday every year and always got me something. His blue eyes were burning into mine as he moved his hand closer to me, signalling for me to take the gift… but I couldn’t move. I was overcome with emotions all because the love of my life had remembered something I told him only once, three years ago.

“You don’t want your present?”

I bit my lip and nodded. Of course, I wanted it, it was from him! “You didn’t need to get me anything,” I whispered, not really trusting my voice to speak properly.

He laughed and rolled his eyes. “Just open it.” He took my wrist, turning it over and setting the little box into my hand.

I gulped and raised the lid, and when I did my chest constricted. Nestled into the black silk was the most beautiful necklace I had ever seen in my life. There was a charm on it, a delicate-looking white-gold butterfly. Set into the wings in symmetrical patterns were three stones – a blue one, a green one and a clear one. It was beautiful, about an inch in diameter, and attached to a thin white-gold chain.

It was perfect and so special I couldn’t stop the tear which leaked from my eye. He had put so much thought into it. I had a thing for butterflies, always had, and this was one of the most beautiful ones I had ever seen. I stroked it lightly with one finger, feeling the cold, hard gems under my fingertip. Now I would be able to wear that and always have a little something of Carson’s with me every day, even when Sasha wasn’t with me.

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