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Tough Shit (Rejects Paradise 1)

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“You had no right,” Charles demands.

“No right?” Colton scoffs. “No right to do what? Take the girl on the boat? She’s not your property, father.”

“Isn’t she?” he asks, his eyes flicking over his son’s shoulder to take me in. “She lives in my home rent-free, I pay for her schooling, she eats my food. It certainly sounds like she’s my property.”

“The fuck?” I demand, going to step around Colton. I’m no one’s property. I don’t care what the circumstances are, I don’t care how fucked up things are no one claims me as their own. Only I get to do that.

Colton’s strong arm snaps out and slams against my chest, leaving me breathless. I don’t get another step before he forces me back behind him once again, promptly shutting me up. “It’s that kind of bullshit you used to say to mom and the girls that made them leave. You’re a fucking arrogant asshole, dad, and you’re running everyone out of your life. You think the people who have stayed are here because they like you?”

Charles steps into Colton and the gun in my bag starts feeling incredibly heavy. “You watch your tone, boy.”

“What are you going to do about it? Hit me? I dare you. You know you haven’t been able to land one on me for years.”

Charles’ eyes flare with the challenge but he’s not stupid, he knows Colton is right and from the look of it, it seems like that theory has been tried and tested. He pokes a finger hard into Colton’s chest. “This isn’t over,” he demands. “I’ll be rescheduling that meeting and you’ll be showing up with a fucking smile on your face even if I have to get you there myself.”

The threat sits heavy in the air as Charles walks away and I’m left standing behind Colton’s wide frame staring after him in shock.

“What the fuck just happened?”

Colton looks back at me, his eyes narrowed but not glaring like he usually does, they just look … deflated.

He lets out a breath and without another word, starts walking away. I stare after him. Like father like son, I guess, only that’s not right. Colton just spent the last ten minutes practically arguing against that very point and for some reason, I want to believe him.

I need answers and I need them now.

Not waiting another second, I race after Colton.

I get to the stairs and look up to find him lost at the top. “Hey,” I call out though it comes out as more of an order than a subtle suggestion to get his ass back down here. Colton glances back and scoffs before continuing to the top and grating on my nerves.

That fucker.

I sprint up the stairs, taking two at a time and as I reach the top, I find Colton halfway down the hall, just passing the room I used the first few days I stayed here, the very room where the douche watched me almost get myself off, the same room where I rubbed my body all over him and felt him come alive beneath my fingers. Don’t get me wrong here, I hated living that close to him but at the same time, I kind of miss it. How fucking wrong is that?

I reach Colton just as he pushes the door open of his bedroom and I sneak in behind just in time for it to slam behind me.

He lets out a frustrated groan and turns on me but before he can tell me to get out of his room, I demand my answers. “What the hell was that?”

“None of your fucking business,” he snaps, reaching for the door.

I throw myself in front of it, blocking his way. “No. It is my business. I live here too and if I’m going to have some psycho maniac screaming at me that I’m his fucking property, then yeah, it is my fucking business and I deserve answers.”

Colton just stares and I clench my jaw. “I will stand here for the rest of the day if I have to, and I swear to you, you won’t enjoy it.”

He backs me up right against the door and in a flash, slams his hands down on either side of my face. “I said it’s none of your fucking business.”

I raise my chin to meet his eyes. “You don’t scare me, Colton,” I say, lowering my voice. “Where I come from, you’re nothing but an arrogant prick with a chip on your shoulder just like your daddy. If you wanted to hurt me, you would have done it already and if you really wanted to go to war, you would have made a move. You’re chicken shit, Colton Carrington.”

Fury blazes behind his eyes and he hesitates for just a moment before pressing into me and crushing his lips against mine. He kisses me deeply. Not rushed and forceful like the two times before and my body instantly wakes up.

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