Always Yours (Roommate Duet 6) - Page 34

“How do you know all these people who are so willing to help?”

With a lifted eyebrow, Tyler smirks. “It’s probably best if you don’t know the answer to that question.”

I open my mouth, then close it, knowing even if I push him, he won’t crack. Tyler has given me enough information to feel as if I know him, but he’s still reserved and keeps a lot to himself. He’s more like Liam than he even realizes. The two of them are like vaults, keeping their secrets tucked away.

Readjusting his seat back to normal, he pulls us onto the main road, and we travel through downtown. I can’t help looking at the tall buildings as we pass. Any other time, I’d want to explore it all and do the touristy type things in the city, but it’s not safe for us to be seen. I really hate Victoria.

Eventually, we arrive at a complex, and Tyler drives around to the back, then parks. He turns off the car and sighs before looking at me. “Ready to see your new home for a bit?” he asks with a hint of amusement.

“As long as you continue to cook for me,” I tease with a bright smile.

“We’ll see.”

I follow his lead once he gets out, grabbing our bags from the back seat. After a minute, I ask if he wants help, but he shakes his head. We walk down the sidewalk, and when Tyler punches a code into the door, it unlocks. Once inside, I’m shocked by how big and nice it is. This condo is equally as fancy as Victoria’s mansion, but not as large. It’s an open concept with hardwood floors, a giant ass TV, sectional sofa, and a loft that oversees the living room.

“Whose place is this? Damn,” I say with my mouth open, knowing whoever lent this home to Tyler has a lot of money.

He chuckles. “Yeah, not answering that question either.”

“You are literally no fun.”

Tyler sets my bag on the floor, and I explore the kitchen and bathroom. The fridge is completely stocked with food, and I notice several types of herbal teas in the pantry. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t excited about the cast iron tub that’s connected to the only bedroom. The master with a king-size bed has a patio with a small flower garden attached to it. This place is gorgeous, and a selfish part of me wouldn’t mind staying here a while.

“You can have the bedroom if you want,” I tell Tyler when I meet him back in the living room.

“Nah, I’m gonna sleep on the couch. I am a Southern gentleman, after all,” he says with a forced drawl, then adds, “And Liam would kick my ass if I made you sleep on the sofa.” Tyler laughs, kicking off his boots. He sits and yawns just as his phone goes off.

“Fuck yes!” He’s grinning wide as if his favorite football team just won the Super Bowl.

“What?” I search his face as he replies to the text.

“Liam did it.” Tyler’s ecstatic, finding a burst of energy, and no longer looks like he’s about to pass out. “He has the laptop with the pictures and audio.”

My eyes go wide, and I start laughing. “Already? That’s incredible!”

“It’s not over yet, though. Now we have to be patient and wait for him to put everything into motion. He has what he needs to take that bitch down a few pegs or completely destroy her. It’s Victoria’s choice. I’d personally destroy her and send it all anonymously to her father without giving her a chance, but I’m letting Liam take the lead on this one.”

I sit next to Tyler on the couch, knowing we can’t celebrate too soon because this is just the beginning. “What do you think she’ll do? Like, you don’t think Victoria will hurt him, right?” Every scenario sprints through my mind, and that’s when the worry begins to take over. It starts in the pit of my stomach and forcefully rushes through me. I don’t think I could handle it if something terrible happened to Liam, not when we’re so close to having it all. As if Tyler reads my thoughts, he tilts his head and pats my hand.

“Hey. Liam is one of the most resourceful people I know. Victoria needs Liam more than he needs her, and the evidence will drive that home. She’ll be undoubtedly blindsided when she finds out we escaped, and I’d be lying if I said there won’t be issues regarding that. Based on what I know about Victoria, she’s going to lose her shit, but she’ll play it off like nothing happened. I’m sure she’ll even tell Liam she got rid of you to look like she planned it all because she’s a manipulator. If worse comes to worse, I’ll send the shit to her dad myself. I was tempted more than once, but I’d rather give Liam the opportunity to bargain with her first. The two of them might be able to find common ground where everyone wins here.”

Tags: Kennedy Fox Roommate Duet Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024