Always Mine (Roommate Duet 5) - Page 45

“Trust me, it was well deserved,” I tell her, then take a sip of my beer.

“Oh, Mads. You were going to show me your backbend bridge thingy!” Sophie turns her attention to Maddie, who’s standing in front of the TV so I’m forced to look at her.

“Ooh, yes.” She sets down her Oreo mint ice cream on the coffee table, then stretches her arms above her head before leaning all the way back. My body hurts just watching the way she moves. I know Maddie is flexible, but I’ve purposely avoided her at home when she’s practicing. It creates bad, dirty thoughts—thoughts I try to keep out.

She does a slow backbend until her palms reach the floor. As her body forms a bridge, she lifts one leg and points it to the sky before butterflying the other leg up into a pose. She holds them there a moment before completely flipping herself over until she’s standing with a smirk. The amount of strength and control she has is incredible.

“Ouch.” Mason laughs.

I blink, impressed, but I don’t tell her that. Any compliment I give her is usually used against me later.

“Nice!” Sophie praises. “I couldn’t do that for a million dollars.”

Chuckling, I take another swig of my beer.

“What’d you think, Liam?” Maddie taunts. Sitting her little ass on the table, she gives me a perfect view of her tits. Ever since the night of her birthday less than three months ago, her underhanded comments and teasing have my willpower hanging by a thread. She knows damn well the attraction between us is mutual, but I need to protect her, and to do that, I have to stay the fuck away.

Hell, there are a dozen reasons we can’t be together. Shouldn’t be together.

Her being a virgin, for one. She should save that for someone who can give her a helluva lot more than I can.

Too goddamn young. Too innocent. She should be treasured, not given to a man like me who’s shamelessly had more one-night stands than I can remember.

Yet the fact I’m running from the mafia—that’s the biggest fucking reason.

“Pretty decent.” I deadpan, not giving her what she wants—a reaction. I finish my beer and stand. “I had a long few days, so I’m heading to bed. G’night.”

After I throw my bottle away, I walk through the living room and look over my shoulder before taking the stairs. Maddie’s gorgeous dark hair is pulled up into a messy bun, and I watch her tongue slip out between her kissable, plump lips. Fuck, I wish I could be what she deserves, but nothing will ever change the fact that I’m not.

Chapter Eight


“Where are you?” Liam’s panicked voice comes through the phone, making me furrow my brows.

“I’m walking to the parking lot right now,” I tell him calmly. “What’s up your ass, Rambo?” I hitch my bag up higher on my shoulder and pick up my pace. Class only ended ten minutes ago, and I had to rush across campus to our pickup spot. It’s Wednesday, which means I don’t have to work and can go home and finish packing for our flight on Friday morning. Hunter and Lennon are finally getting married in Utah this weekend, and we’re all flying there for the festivities. My parents are over the freaking moon excited that the ceremony is at home. Plus, it’s always gorgeous in Park City in May.

He releases a sigh of relief. “You usually text me when you’re running late.”

“Sorry,” I say. “Joel was talking to me, and I lost track of time.”

He stays silent for a beat. I’ve mentioned Joel before, and while Liam pretends it doesn’t bother him, I have a suspicion it does.

“I’m parked out front. See you in a minute.” Liam ends the call before I can respond.

Well then.

I see his truck, and before I make it to the door, Liam’s hopping out and walking around to me. “How was school? Anything out of the ordinary happen today?”

Holding out his hand, he takes my bag and loads it, which is weird. He’s been acting strange all damn week.

“Just fine and no. Why?” I ask after he opens the door, and I jump inside.

He shrugs and shuts the door while I buckle. Moments later, he’s climbing into the driver’s side, and we take off. We ride in silence, and I look over at him, studying his features. His jaw is locked, and he’s tense as hell.

“Did something happen? What’s wrong?” I ask, turning toward him.

“What? No, nothing.”

“Liam…” I say his name softly, hoping he’ll tear down the wall between us. “I’ve known you long enough to tell when you’re lying, and right now, you’re failing miserably. So just say it.”

I watch as he swallows hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing. Blinking, he keeps his eyes on the road, ignoring me.

While his shoulders fall, he’s not fully relaxed. “It’s nothing, Mads. Just stressed from work shit.”

Tags: Kennedy Fox Roommate Duet Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024