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Truly Mine - (Mason & Sophie 1, Roommate Duet 3)

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It’s not even seven yet, but I’m ready to fall asleep. After I take a shower and am comfortable in my bed, I scroll through my email on my phone, but before I set it down, I notice a few notifications on the dating app. Curious, I open it to see what perv has messaged me this time and consider taking a screenshot to send to Maddie so she can at least be entertained by my pathetic love life. As expected, the dirty-talking douchebags have filled my inbox, but then I see another message that’s shockingly normal. His name is Weston, he’s 29, and by his profile picture alone, he looks decent and charming.

Weston: Hi, Sophie! It’s nice to virtual “meet” you. I see you’re in Sacramento as well, so we’re close. I’m probably being forward, but I can tell there’s something special about you just from your profile picture. Chat soon?

My eyes widen, and I instantly go to his profile and start scrolling through his pictures. The man has his shit together, that much is certain. Seeing he’s still online, I go back to my inbox and immediately reply.

Sophie: Hi! Thanks for the note. :) It’s nice to virtual “meet” you too. Honestly, it’s refreshing not to get a message from a creeper.

I can see he’s typing, which excites me.

Weston: I can only imagine what kind of messages you’ve gotten. So tell me about you, Sophie. You play violin professionally? That’s incredible.

I smile. He’s done his homework.

Sophie: I’ve been playing since I was a teenager, and I love it. Music is everything to me. What do you do for a living?

Weston: I’m a correctional officer at the prison. Love my job and don’t even mind most of my co-workers. Ha-ha. Plus, I wouldn’t be a homeowner without it.

I like how he conveniently threw that in there, and I find myself smiling as I chat with him.

Sophie: Wow, how awesome!

Weston: Yeah, thanks! Random, maybe, but…do you like to eat?

I chuckle, hoping this conversation isn’t about to turn weird by him having some strange fetish with food or something.

Sophie: Who doesn’t love to eat? My favorite is breakfast food!

Weston: Great! I know a great place that serves the best breakfast I’ve ever eaten. We should do brunch. I’d love to chat with you in person. See your smile. Hear your laughter. Get to know you better.

I’m genuinely grinning at how candid he’s being right now. My past few dates have completely sucked, but he seems different, and I don’t get the urge to block him like the others. Also, he hasn’t asked to see my nipples yet, so that’s always a good sign.

I think about meeting him before replying, and at this point, I have nothing to lose. I grin and send him a message back.

Sophie: That sounds awesome :) When?

Weston: Are you available next weekend?

A smile touches my lips, a real one, and I’m actually looking forward to meeting him. I know I told Liam we could possibly hang out, but I know he’d choose a date over me any day, so I don’t feel too bad about it.

Sophie: Yeah, let’s do it.

I’m taking a risk. This could go one of two ways—good or bad—and if he’s weird, like all the other men I’ve met from this app, I swear, I’m deleting my account and becoming a nun.

“I know, but I’m nervous as hell,” I tell Maddie as I brush my fingers through my hair. She called me on her way to practice as I was getting ready for my brunch date with Weston.

“He’s cute, though. Just be yourself. You’re a catch. Any man would be lucky to have you, sis.” I can hear the smile in her voice.

“And that’s why you’re my favorite sister,” I taunt, deciding to pull my hair half-up. I want to look put together but not like I’m trying too hard. We’ve been chatting over the last week, getting to know more about each other and finding out what we have in common. He’s been normal and still hasn’t asked for any nudes, so I’m hopeful at this point.

“Just don’t do him on the first date. You gotta make guys work for it,” Maddie coaches me, then snickers. The irony isn’t lost on me, considering her sacred virgin status, though I have a feeling she’d toss it for a hot guy. As I grab my keys, she continues talking about dance and her instructor, and my mind reluctantly goes to thoughts of Mason. Maybe I really am an idiot for sleeping with him so quickly, but I don’t regret it. I’m just disappointed it never led to anything more.

When I climb into the car, I end the call and try to push my thoughts of Mason away. The man is more infuriating than rush hour traffic on a Friday afternoon. Over the past year, he’s continued to frustrate me by consistently pulling me in, then pushing me away, usually within the same conversation. It’s as if he’s afraid to get too close, and the moment he feels that shift, he pulls back. I hate when he does that and wish he’d just let me in, even as just friends.

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