Royal Fake - Page 50

“Yes, I know that. I haven’t finished reading the document.” He too was getting angered and frustrated. “This page here…” he took out the paper, “…is an addendum that says you can continue your fashion brand as long as it doesn’t interfere with your duties to the crown. You won’t be able to make a profit from your work though. You’ll need to designate a charity to receive whatever funds you raise with your clothing line. Which I think will be amazing since when I met you, you were raising money for Every Dream. Flower Street can be a non-profit to raise awareness and money for homeless youth. I promise you won’t need the money. I’m worth billions, you’ll want for nothing. And don’t forget the ten million you’ll receive in the end.” His dreamy eyes glazed over with a kind of lusty altruism.

“Wonderful, only I’ll be your prisoner.” I didn’t share his lust for the arrangement.

“Again, Avery, you’ll be my wife and the queen of Ireland. Nothing here is that earth-shattering, and it’s not forever.

“Liam, I need some space. I just need a moment to think all of this out. Can I take these with me?” I eyed the contracts.

“Not unless you’re leaving to look for a pen.” He was suddenly stern and commanding.

“Fine.” I couldn’t take anymore, I turned around and walked out of the room. With no place to go, I searched for the nearest bathroom and locked myself in.

Chapter 18


I don’t think I could have blown the contract meeting any worse than I had. I wasn’t even considering Avery’s feelings. I simply wanted her signature so that I could move forward with my plans. I didn’t really think about the living, breathing, beautiful, human who I was trying to entice into making that happen for me. I let her walk out of the room without pursuing her because frankly I too was a little afraid of what I was planning on doing to her. I couldn’t justify it. I let her take some time as I looked over the contract to see if I could make any adjustments legally that would give her some more space to be herself.

I was able to change some of the language in order to allow more room for interpretation. I hoped this would satisfy Avery and that it would allow her to continue to work and gain money for Kylie Morgan’s nonprofit. As far as her own finances, I changed the language of the marriage contract to allow her to make her own decisions about inheritance for our children should I pass away. By the time I was done making the alterations the contract more accurately resembled a normal marriage. It was written in such a way my father would probably not call into question anything presented to him. I would have to have my lawyer redraft it, but I was excited about showing the changes I had made to Avery. I had hoped she went to her study to find solace, but when I started looking for her I wasn’t able to locate her anywhere in the cottage.

“Avery?” I called out but she didn’t answer.

I tried every room until I finally found her in the kitchen with a cup of tea staring out at the ocean. “There you are,” I interrupted her quiet solitude.

The room was dark but for one light over the table. I wanted to turn on more lights to brighten the atmosphere, but I realized she may not be in the best place emotionally. I didn’t want to jar her any more than she had already been that day. So, I took the seat beside her carrying the newly amended contracts with me. Before I went on the hunt I had my lawyer rush the changes and print new copies. I had to get her signature at all costs. However, I needed a pulse on how she was feeling.

She looked up at me. “Here I am,” she said in a somber tone. “One of your um… servants, I guess, offered to make me tea. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Martha, my housekeeper. I’m glad she did. She’s amazing, she’s married to Finnegan our main house butler. They’ve been here for as long as I can remember.” The small talk felt right for the moment. “Is the tea helping?”

“I can’t give up my work. I don’t mind all the profits going to Every Dream, that’s fine, but I don’t want to be tethered to you. I didn’t go to college and work my ass off just to be someone’s wife, even if it’s Prince Charming’s wife. I don’t roll like that.” I loved her; she was so real.

“And you shouldn’t give up your life to be my wife and Ireland’s queen. I’ve made some changes.” I scooted the folder towards her. “Read them at your leisure. And, there is a guest room at the end of the hall. It’s all yours. When you meet with the interior designer tomorrow to design your office, you may also craft that room to your liking. Just don’t cheat on me and have a baby out of wedlock after you’ve signed the contract.” I laughed at how horrible it all sounded.

Tags: Sarah J. Brooks Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024