Royal Fake - Page 57

This was the cue for the others at the table to be seated as well. The war had begun.

Chapter 21


Where did I go to school? What was my major? How did we meet? What did I know of Ireland? A comment was thrown out about how Liam and I sure hadn’t known each other long. Did I have any idea what it would be like to be a royal? Where were my parents? Did I have siblings? Were we planning on starting a family right away? When would the wedding be? Are we sure we were ready for marriage? Was I Catholic? Did I play an instrument? Was I a gold digger? Asked by every one of them in different passive-aggressive ways.

I did everything I could to keep myself happy and bright. I put a nice big fat fake grin on my face and answered their questions over and over again. I went to school at New York University. My major was fashion design with a special emphasis on social constructs, self-expression, and mental wellness. I told them I graduated with a self-designed major and was the only person in my independent study. Liam and I met, as Liam had instructed me to say, online. I was thrilled to finally see him in person at the charity event where I fell helplessly, madly, and completely in love. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, cow shit, horse shit. dragon shit. Oh, thank god they finally brought out some wine.

The only person at the table who probably had the right to grill me was the forlorn-looking matronly young woman directly in front of me. She had her hair swept in an updo much like the way Georg had styled me the day I arrived. She stared at me for most of the lunch and whenever she did offer anything to the conversation it was usually some sort of warning or chiding that screamed ‘I would have married him if not for you.’ I actually felt bad for her and thought to myself what a great challenge it might be to become her friend. It seemed she desperately needed one.

Despite how hard it was to field all of the loaded questions; I think I may have ingratiated myself with Liam’s female cousins. They seemed to be much more in support of me at the end of lunch than they had when we were playing mini-golf. While I didn’t actually feel comfortable or welcomed and had not enjoyed even one moment of the day, I was starting to feel the slightest bit more confident when we finally ended lunch and Liam and I excused ourselves from the family. Unfortunately, Liam’s father called him away from me on business that seemed very important. The rest of us said our goodbyes and Liam’s butler James escorted me back to Liam’s apartment.

“Thank you for bringing me back,” I said to James as he drove the golf cart to Liam’s cottage. “I have no idea where I am, this place is so large. How on earth does anyone ever find their way?” I smiled at James, using veiled speech understanding that he was the eyes and ears of the monarchy. I wasn’t sure if he was on my side or not.

“One eventually becomes familiar with the surroundings. And may I say, I admire what you’re trying to accomplish Ms. Johnson. Yours will not be an easy road to be sure. I’ve watched Liam entertain several young women in my day and none have made him happy. I hope you don’t get discouraged by the royal family, they are a lot to take on at first, but I think you have the fortitude to withstand them.” I was completely surprised by his vote of confidence yet appreciated it.

It was the nicest thing anyone had said to me all day.

“Thank you, James, you have no idea how much I needed that.” I was still feeling so alienated and lonely.

“Oh, I think I do.” He gave me a kindly smile and let me into the cottage without following me.

“Are you coming in?” I asked, not really wanting to be alone.

“No, I have my own residence. Go ahead and make yourself comfortable. Finnegan and Martha are here should you need anything.” With that, he gave me a bow and returned to the golf cart.

When I walked in the place was dim and eerily silent. Perhaps the staff only milled around when Liam was there. Happy no one was there to greet me; I made my way upstairs and as soon as I got inside of the apartment I called Madison. I needed to hear a friendly voice. I knew Kylie would be harder to reach and I wasn’t exactly sure of the time difference, but Madison would answer my call day or night.

“Oh my god, girl! I have been waiting for you to call me. I was about to phone the US embassy and report a kidnapping. The things are either going great, or you were locked in a basement somewhere and just found a way to get to your phone.”

Tags: Sarah J. Brooks Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024