Royal Fake - Page 81

“Okay. Thank you. First um… I want to know, how do you do it? The hose, the heels, the constant scrutiny? How do you manage to keep yourself so well put together without going absolutely nuts?” I took off my heels and rubbed my feet, already dreading what was to come, especially with swollen ankles from the pregnancy.

“You just do I suppose. I’ve been doing it for so long, it’s second nature to me.” It wasn’t much of an answer, but it was hers.

“Well, I guess that’s what has to be done then. Yikes. What do you want most in the world? I mean, except Liam.” I probably shouldn’t have gone there, but I was who I was.

The look of anger that flashed across her face was sad, but as soon as it came, it was gone.

“A husband and family I suppose. I want to be a good wife and mother.” This was going to be a long ride.

“Those are admirable things to want. Are you hurt that you can’t be those things for Liam?” I had to just tear down the walls, I couldn’t spend the entire plane flight with a plastic doll.

“I am,” Wow… yes, honesty.

“I’m sorry,” and I meant it. “I hope that being whatever you are for me will help you find someone perfect for you.” I thought I was being nice.

“Liam was perfect for me,” she said to the floor.

“He would have been if you were the one he chose to marry, but he didn’t. I’m not gloating, I promise, but you want to be with someone who loves you and makes you their first choice… not their last.”

“I would be married now if it wasn’t for you.” She continued to stare at the ground.

“Yes, you would have been in a loveless marriage with a man who made a contract with me, to avoid you. You don’t want that, I promise.” I smiled hoping she’d look up at me.

“You know, Georg is fabulous. He’s the best makeup artist and stylist in the world… well, maybe not the world, but I love him. I bet, if we spend this flight turning you into a knockout, people will see you. See, I’m not going to be the pretty princess on a pedestal. I’m gonna be fierce and slay and be what I was born to be and so will you!” Oh, I was all up in my inspiration.

“Oh, dear god don’t. You’ll ruin the crown and Liam’s chances to be king. Already everyone hates you.” I bet she didn’t mean to let that slip… or maybe she did.

“As much as you might think that hurts, it doesn’t. I have no problem with people hating me. I don’t care and I mean it, I truly don’t. The only person I care about in this situation is Liam… and well, our baby, too, I guess. My family are the only people who mean anything to me. So, I’ll work on them. If Ireland never loves me… too bad for Ireland. The only goal I have at the moment is helping Liam be king… because it’s something he wants. Now, you should focus on what you want… because what is done is done. I’m not leaving Liam, not now and not ever.”

“But you said you had a contract.” She looked panicked. “Those end right? There would eventually be an end?”

“No Lucy, I have a marriage and I intend on making that marriage work.” Again, I smiled.

She looked up to me her eyes wet with tears. “Why? Why can’t I have him?”

“Because he’s not yours. Girl, you’ve hooked up with the perfect princess for helping you find that man who is meant to be only yours. You will find a man who is on this earth to love only you, I promise.” I snapped my fingers in the air. “Okay, we have a lot of work to do.” I opened the door to the suite and stuck my head out. “Georg, get in here.” I was playful but insistent.

By the end of the flight, Georg had Lucy looking like a goddess. I did my own makeup and styled my own hair and I wore a dress from my collection that was vibrant and tasteful enough for the occasion. I put Lucy in one of my designs as well and together we were fierce as we exited the plane and walked down the tarmac. I loved how Liam’s eyes bugged out of his face seeing us walking together. We were gonna be a force of nature, watch out Ireland… stand back.

Chapter 30


Seeing Avery and Lucy come down that tarmac together, I knew my girl was back. Damn, I loved her. I was never, ever, going to stifle her fire ever again. I had talked with my father and told him I’d be king with a modern queen by my side. One who could show the women of Ireland a proud queen with life goals and ambitions. A woman who knew how to balance being a mother, a wife, a monarch, and a maverick. I convinced my father that there was no better queen for Ireland than Avery and to my surprise, he agreed.

Tags: Sarah J. Brooks Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024