Royal Fake - Page 83

“Yes, love we do. You were there in the chapel when we signed it.” I smiled at her with genuine love and affection.

“Good.” She proceeded to rip the envelope to shreds and threw the pieces in the fire.

After that, she struggled to get up out of the chair and walked out of my office.

Damn, I loved that woman.



Four months after my coronation as king, Her Royal Highness, Avalon Fiona Catherine was born. Avalon because Avery thought it was cool, Fiona for my mother and Catherine for hers. And there she was… our daughter, the next queen of Ireland. Avery worked very hard as a mother, shooing away most of the staff who wanted to attend her and letting only Georg and Lucy in… as well as her posse who spent a lot of time running around the halls of my cottage. Kylie’s little boy was jokingly betrothed to our little girl and everyone but me thought that was funny. Or course Avery agreed, our daughter would choose her own path.

While we loved all the hustle and bustle, it was hard work waking every two hours to feed our newborn daughter. We were happy to be a family and I supported Avery in wanting to be closer to our daughter than my parents were with me, but damn those newborn months were hard. I knew my mother wanted to be with me every waking moment as we were with little Ava, but she wasn’t allowed. Avery made sure our child got a lot of us.

So, we weren’t always as chipper or spry as royals should be, thanks to sleep deprivation, but we were happy. Perhaps on baby, three or four Avery would rethink the nannies, but probably not, stubborn little lass. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with two of them in the house. But I’d have a kingdom full of strong-minded little girls if I could… if all of them were as wonderful as my beautiful, perfect… wife.


Laying with little Ava between us I couldn’t think of a moment when I’d been happier. Perhaps the only time when I’d been almost as happy was when it was just Liam and me and I nestled in his arms. My love for him and my daughter couldn’t be measured and I never in my wildest dreams believed I would ever experience as much joy as I did being Liam’s wife and Ava’s mother.

“Time for Ava’s bath.” Lucy knocked but thankfully didn’t come in. “And I’m giving the bath to her today. You need your rest,” Lucy said as I gently shuffled my tiny daughter into my arms, got up as Liam groaned, and met Lucy at our bedroom door.

“Thanks, Lucy. I think she should wear the orange-flowered outfit today,” I gave a sleepy yawn.

“Or maybe I’ll dress her,” Lucy fought back. “I like that wild purple dress with the graffiti print.” Her eyes sparkled and it made me laugh.

“Okay, put her in whatever you want and thanks for giving us a minute.” I looked back at my beautiful sleeping husband.

“My pleasure,” Lucy said looking at Ava with an adoring fawn.

Oh, how I appreciated her. As soon as she closed the door I threw off my nightgown and jumped on the bed.

“Baby’s gone!” I tickled Liam’s side right where it made him buckle in and his cock rise up. “Let’s make more.”

I was finally given the go-ahead to start having sex again after Ava’s birth. I had an IUD just so we didn’t have any more royals just yet, but I definitely was going to like practicing for when it was time for more. Grandpa, the former king of Ireland was going to be very happy… the halls of our cottage would absolutely be filled with the sounds of tiny feet.

“Okay, then… you asked for it.” Liam overtook me with his proud cock flying. I sure did love my husband. “What do you think?” he asked just before he ravaged me, “About a house next to Alec’s in upstate New York? You know a place where the kids can play… and we can get away?”

I rolled Liam onto his back and angled myself onto his steel hard spear since he was taking so damn long, I put him where I wanted him. Damn, it felt good to have him inside me again.

“Are you thinking of buying one?” I rocked myself down onto his erection.

Tags: Sarah J. Brooks Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024