Fake - Page 13


I was supposed to take it out of his mouth? I had been kissing him quite a lot that evening, and it was delightful, but retrieving food from his mouth was super odd.

“Oh boy … I see what you’re doing … clever.” I took a deep breath and made a choice.

I could have avoided him and pretended that I wasn’t there to fuck him all night long, or I could get the upper hand to his antics and actually show the man what a real woman, not one who’s just happy to be breathing the same air as he does, could do. I leaned into him and enveloped his tongue with my mouth, retrieving my bite. I made a point to chew deliberately and seductively.

“Yum …” My expression heated up.

I knew he was hoping I’d spend more time in his mouth, but I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. I wanted to see how riled up he’d get.

“Yum,” he oozed as he licked his lips again and took off his jacket, laying it on the counter.

“I’ll have you know, two bites of turkey is not an appropriately sized meal … I’m not ready to move on to the undressing part.” I picked up the fork and was about to feed myself when he grabbed it out of my hand, and for a second, I thought he might stab me with it.

“Patience … I’m going to offer you a whole lot more in a minute. You move your hands again, and I’ll restrain them,” he growled.

“Because this is a game right?” I stood up and stared at him, feeling for the first time all night, genuinely frightened.

He turned to me and started unbuttoning his shirt. “Relax … I’m just taking off my shirt … but you, are staying dressed. Have a seat.” I sat back down simply because I was mesmerized by what he revealed.

Perfectly sculpted muscles, a strange tribal tattoo, no hair whatsoever, and an even golden tan. He was Adonis. I hoped my jaw didn’t drop, but I knew it did by his satisfied laughter. He took the plate of food never taking his eyes off of me once and picked up pieces of turkey dipped in gravy and placed them on his chest as he leaned back against the counter and presented his bare chest to me. There were two pieces over his chest and nipples, one at the start of his very well-defined happy trail, which led to someplace I hadn’t the capacity at that moment to think about.

“Now, you may have more …” He leaned back on his elbows and presented himself to me.

“This is pretty gross. I have no idea where that chest has been.” How was I going to do this?

“To the gym, the shower, and the bar where it met a nymphomaniac model who’s afraid of a man’s bare chest.” He eyed me and blew a kiss. Truce. “It’s still warm … best eat before your food gets cold.”

“She’s afraid of a crazy man in an all-white penthouse who makes her eat off of his skin … that’s what’s she’s afraid of.” I got off my chair, and a thought hit me … yes, this was going to be fun.

I’m sure he was expecting me to be all sensual and get his boner all pumped up before our big moment, but I took it a different direction.

I walked over to him, looked into his eyes, then bent down and grazed my teeth hard along his skin, making sure to capture his nipple in my teeth as I bit down on the turkey.

“Holy fuck.” He bucked into my mouth.

That got his attention. After chewing my bite, I licked the gravy up with my tongue and moved around to the other nipple.

“This is fun.” I flashed him a wicked smile as I bent down to the other nipple and bit again, this time harder.

Alec grabbed me.

“Just giving you a warning, love.” His voice was calm but slippery. “You bite me like that again, and this game is over. I’ll feed you when you’re drooling in my sauna after I’ve fucked every hole on your body.” He punctuated this with a funny little grin.

“Oh … maniacal threats … goody.” I raised my hands, put them behind my back, and opened my mouth. “No teeth, I promise.” I licked my way from his breastbone to his happy trail, sucking up the piece of turkey from his tiny well-trimmed line of hair as I continued to lick my way down to his waistband.

He grabbed my hair and brought me up to his mouth where his tongue stole my food from me and bit my lip.

“You don’t play fair,” I said, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand and returning to my seat feeling victorious.

The bulge in his pants was tenting his trousers so hard, he had to be uncomfortable … good. As the old cliché says … two can play this game.

Tags: Sarah J. Brooks Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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