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“Yes, yes, yes, yes …” I couldn’t stop saying yes.

And that’s when all hell broke loose. Suddenly, Avery, Madison, and Christian burst through the doors as did Maralis and some people from Alec’s work and other models I’d worked with in the past filed into the bar.

“CONGRATULATIONS!” They all shouted.

Suddenly, I was worried the press would see Alec proposing again, but Maralis assured me she didn’t alert the press on this one, and we were pretty much off the radar after we went media silent following Alec’s post with all the pictures he’d shared. The real me gave me the chance to live my own life. I left modeling and focused on the things I cared about. I certainly didn’t need the money, and I was invested in something I believed in with my non-profit and now a husband and child to care for.

“You know I’m the happiest person on the planet,” I told him as we danced in the center of the room, the two of us just letting loose.

“I know you are not because I am.” He kissed me as if no one was looking. When we came up for air, we discovered no one was.

We’d finally found our place in the world … together. We watched Elijah grow, and our love got deeper and better every day. Gone was the darker side of Alec, which now only showed up when we played together in the bedroom, and instead, he was a remarkable husband and father, but better, he had become my best friend. The world that I didn’t believe would ever be that good to me had become amazing. And though I’d never replaced Ava, his first wife, I was happy to be the second Mrs. Blair and give him the love he denied himself all those years after her death. Things really couldn’t have been better, and we were both grateful for the twist of fate that changed our lives.


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