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Stone Cold - Ashby Crime Family

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He ended the call and took a long sip of his coffee before spitting back in the cup. “Needs something.”


“Coffee needs bourbon, little brother. Have I taught you nothing?”

I laughed and shook my head at the old argument. “You taught me how to take a perfectly good cup of black coffee and turn it into a soft drink.”

I poured a cup of black coffee, knowing Jasper favored the top of the line stuff. “Don’t know why you get the good shit when you add so much milk and sugar to it.”

“Imagine what I’d have to add to the garbage Virgil drinks.” He gave a visible shudder accompanied by a laugh. “Thanks for catching that,” he added after pouring a healthy dose of bourbon into his coffee.

“No problem. Good thing I have alarms on everything since you never see fit to let me know what’s going on.” The last thing I wanted was to sound like a whiny little brat, but dammit. “Whether you like it or not, I’m part of this, Jas.”

“I know.” Jasper let out a sigh and took a seat in front of his plate before pushing it away. “I know that and it’s taking me too damn long to recognize that you’re not just the resident computer geek anymore.”

Was that how he saw me? “This resident computer geek who added tens of millions in profits to the family coffers thanks to patents and software? Thanks, Jas.”

“Jesus fuck, Cal! You know what I mean. Stop trying to put words in my mouth.” He took a long sip of his coffee and frowned, trading the spiked mug for a finger and a half of straight whiskey. “I know what you’ve done for the family and the business, and I appreciate it.”

“I’m not a kid anymore.”

“I know that, too, as much as I fucking hate to admit it. Watching you and Kat come into your own has been hard, but I’m trying, okay? I’m not used to all this tech shit and having you spearhead it all.”

I rolled my eyes. “If your men could learn how to use it, I wouldn’t have to, but it’s useless if we’re not gonna use it right.”

They all rebelled against using tech in the underworld, like it somehow took away from the art of being a criminal. The truth was all this shit was meant to keep us safer, more protected from those who meant us harm. Like the goddamn Crusaders.

“All right. Lance Decker is on Savannah duty. They’ve been in Mt. Charleston for the past few days. I figured they’d be safe out there until Ma made a decision.”

I nodded, wanting to be helpful but also an asshole. “And if you’d told me, I could have made sure they had phones that couldn’t be tracked. Double-checked the vehicles and everything else.” I shook my head in frustration. “Look, just because you and our guys fail to see how crucial this shit is to our success and our safety, doesn’t mean The Crusaders do too. This is for our protection, Jas.”

Jasper did what he always did when he needed to make a decision. He disappeared into his mind for a minute to weigh his options and figure out which one would accomplish our goals without putting any Ashby in harm’s way. “I’m all ears.”

I nodded. “Call Decker back and tell him to send me the address where he’s headed and get rid of all devices immediately after. New ones will be waiting when he gets where he’s going.”

Jasper’s dark brows rose. “What are you, Superman or something?”

“Or something much cooler than Superman. Just learn to trust me. I might be new to this side of the business, but I’m smart and motivated and a quick learner. And I know we can’t keep Savannah Rhymer forever, so what’s the end game?”

I didn’t expect an answer, not really. Not Jasper or Virgil and barely even Ma talked to me about the business. It had been months since I took over tech and security for both sides of Ashby holdings, and still, they were slow to catch up.

“I want them gone. Obliterated. No longer in existence. But if they leave Glitz for good, they can have her back. If they want to stay and fight, she’s dead. Ronan has one week to decide.”

Shit, things had escalated. “I’ll keep an eye on them, see if anything happens you need to know about.”

Surprise flashed, but he brushed it aside and nodded. “Thanks.”

I finished my coffee and returned back to my office and bank of computers to work and not wonder what Bonnie was up to, because it was none of my business.

None at all.

Chapter Five


I couldn’t be out of pills already. There were sixty in the bottle and it had barely been fourteen days. No. That couldn’t be right. I’d only taken a couple extra here and there. To ease the pain.

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