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Always Crew

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He rubbed at his neck, reassessing me. “What crawled up your finger hole?”

“Don’t.” I stuffed my hands into my pockets because I wanted to hit him.


Really badly.

He rolled his eyes, stepping away from the tree. “Yeah, yeah. Guess I had that coming.” Then, his bag was picked back up from where he dropped it, thrown over one shoulder, and he started for our class alongside me. “Girls’ night is tomorrow. Aspen’s going to call Bren herself, but I’m extending a reminder about what she said she’d do. Oh, and they’re planning on starting at Aspen’s dorm room. The RA’s a soccer groupie, so she lets Aspen do whatever she wants.”

I wasn’t surprised.

About any of that.

“Bren will do what she promised.”

“Good.” Then he looked around, making a big show of it. “Noticed your one boy’s been gone for a while. When’s Dickwit coming back?”

We stepped inside the building and I pushed him back out, grabbed the door and shut it in his face. Hitting the doorjamb, I flicked him off and backed away from the door, smiling.

Now I was in a good mood.


Cross: Girls’ night is tomorrow night. Aspen is going to call you. Blaise wants to make sure you’ll still do what you said.

Cross: What did you say you’d do?

Bren: I will and I just said I’d go for added protection for Aspen.

Cross: He’s worried about Harper?

Bren: Yes.

Cross: Harper was in class and sitting with his frat brothers. Blaise said it wouldn’t be that easy to get him kicked out of the frat.

Bren: Where was Zeke sitting?

Cross: Zeke didn’t come to class.

Bren: Interesting. Where did Blaise sit?

Cross: Right next to Harper.

Bren: I can only imagine…

Cross: It was pretty funny to watch.

Zellman: I’m bored.

Bren: Me too.

Zellman: Why are you bored? Miss you guys, by the way.

Bren: Miss you back. And I’m studying for my license test.

Zellman: That’s cool. You’ll be awesome at that. What’s the gossip there?

Bren: There’s too much for a text convo.

Zellman: Really????

Bren: Come back here. Will fill you in.

Zellman: J-dawg is supposed to be in class. Why’s he calling me?

Bren: Answer and find out.

Bren: Zellman?

Bren: Z?

Bren: Zellman?

Channing: Got word something’s happening. DO NOT GO ANYWHERE NEAR DAD OR ANY RED DEMONS! Stay the fuck away from your job, too, just to be safe.

Bren: Brock put me on LOA anyway.

Channing: Why are you on a LOA? What’s a LOA?

Bren: Leave of absence, and he thought I should stay away until the RD stuff settles, too.

Channing: That’s good then.

Channing: Wait. Why did he do that?

Channing: Because you stabbed Dad?

Bren: Yes. I found Dad at Twister Sister and yelled at him, told him to get out of my life.

Channing: Holy fuck…

Channing: I’m going to ignore that you never called to check in with me because I think you’re my new hero, Bren. My sister, my idol.

Bren: Shut up.

Channing: You’re Moose and Linc’s idol, too. Congo’s in a mood, so you’re not his.

Bren: I can die happy.

Channing: Don’t talk like that. Ever.

Bren: It’s a phrase. I don’t mean it.

Channing: Still never say it.

Bren: When are you coming back for a regular visit? No dad drama.

Channing: I’m not sure. Maybe sooner than I thought, but I don’t know what’s happening, just that something is happening. My guys on the streets are not talking. Everyone is bunkering down and even all the way over here in Roussou, that’s not a good sign.

Bren: How do you know it has to do with Dad’s MC?

Channing: Because they’re the only name being talked about lately. Just stick with your crew and college stuff. You should be fine then.

Bren: Will do. Love you.

Channing: Love you. BE SAFE! And if you have to stab Dad again, I want to be there.

Jordan: At Roussou. At Sunday’s. Did not take much convincing. Zellman is coming back.

Bren: Good. You have time to talk to Tab?

Jordan: Yeah. I’ll fill you in later, tho. That’s more complicated.

Bren: Okay.

Bren: Got a call from Drake this morning. There’s something Cross and I need to fill you and Zellman in on later.

Jordan: Something bad?

Bren: Could be. We don’t know.

Jordan: Crew meeting?

Bren: Crew meeting.

Jordan: I’ll tell Zellman. He’s drooling, said he’s been bored changing diapers, being sleep-deprived and not getting ass.

Bren: I didn’t need to know the last part.

Jordan: Neither did I. You’re welcome.

Zellman: What’s happening? I can’t handle the suspense.

Bren: Crew meeting when you get back.

Zellman: We’re coming back tonight then.

Message to Wolf Crew:


Jordan: Dude. Not necessary. I’m right next to you.

Cross: In class. I’m bored. What’s going on?

Bren: I told them we have something to fill them in on later.


Zellman: I need to get laid. I have not gotten laid the entire time out here. Sunday and I are very firmly never getting back together. Ever. I need sex. My hand hurts.

Bren: We don’t need to know that.

Jordan: Dude.

Cross: Still bored. Text more, Z. What lotion do you use?

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