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Cain ( Underworld Mafia Romance 1)

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But how? I can’t just barge into her house. I don’t have my badge. I can probably ask Taylor to hack into her accounts, but I don’t want to get him into trouble. Do I just follow her around, then?

Wait. Isn’t that stalking? Isn’t that what I accused Cain of doing?

I lean back in my chair and bite on a fingertip as my thoughts wander back to this afternoon.

I had no idea he would show up there. He nearly gave me a heart attack when he did. I didn’t hear him coming at all.

I was glad to see him, though. He looked more dangerous with that gun, which he seemed more comfortable holding than I was, but he looked cool. And hot. What was he wearing, again? Cargo pants and a white shirt? And a dark blue baseball cap. It was casting a shadow over his face so I didn’t recognize him right away.

There I was, covered in dust, and there he was, all… neat. Maybe dust doesn’t affect him either?

I shake my head. I’m not supposed to be thinking of Cain. Wait. One last thought: I know I should probably have agreed to let him work with me, but I just can’t see that happening. He can help me, yes, but I also know he’ll take over the investigation and… me. He’s more skillful and stronger. Better than me. God, I sound jealous. Maybe I am. But I just can’t. Even if that means I may never see him again.

Something tells me I will see him again, though. He’s just as stubborn as I am.

Okay. Now back to what I’m supposed to be thinking about – how to get more information from Cerena. If only there was some way to get into her house.

I start searching for her address. Then my fingers freeze in place as I come across an interesting piece of information – something about a twentieth anniversary party for Cerena’s brand being held tomorrow night. It’s going to be in her private gallery, which is right outside her house. Right on the lawn, in fact. It seems her wealthy clients are all going to attend.

I guess I’ll buy a Cerena gown and crash the party.


Bad idea, I think as soon as I step onto Cerena’s lawn.

I managed to find a gown I don’t mind wearing – I don’t really like gowns because they’re not the most comfortable clothes, and the price on this one is outrageous – but I’m hoping it will be worth it. I managed to get inside, too. I wasn’t on the guest list, but I gave my name and they let me in. I guess being a Chandler comes in handy sometimes. Crashing the party completed.

Now that I’m here, though, all I want to do is leave. This gown is becoming more uncomfortable by the minute. Thank goodness I wore sneakers underneath or I’d also be complaining about shoes. I’m in enough discomfort as it is, especially since I don’t like parties in general. I used to hide and escape from them all the time. Once, I painted my face. With markers. Permanent ones. Just so I wouldn’t have to go to a party. It worked. There was no way my mom was going to bring me along when I looked like a bad clown. But she was mad at me for days. Also, I once jumped into a fountain in my dress just so I’d get soaking wet and she’d have no choice but to take me home before I caught a cold.

Yup. I wasn’t the best kid.

Well, I was usually a good kid. I just couldn’t stand those parties. I didn’t understand why my mom loved them so much. She’d get so stressed out preparing for the party, choosing what to wear and trying to get there in time. Then at the party, she’d mostly just be standing by my dad, faking a laugh. I could tell because I knew what her real laugh sounded like. She barely ate anything. I couldn’t blame her because the food was rarely good. She’d drink, but then she’d have a headache the next day and couldn’t get out of bed. And right after the party? All she did was complain about how sore her feet were and how she didn’t like most of the people.

That part I understood. Most of the people talked too much, laughed too loud or simply didn’t dress right. Much like now, actually.

As I look around, I can see some women in stunning gowns – Cerena’s, no doubt – and men in polished suits, classic black and white. I can also see some women in less… flattering attire, though, like the one wearing a dress that looks like layers of tutus in different colors, making her look like a fluffy cake, and the one in a dress with big bows on her shoulders. Also, I saw a man wearing a pumpkin-colored suit and a green tie. He’s not going to go back to being a pumpkin when midnight strikes, is he?

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