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Velvet Fire - Ashby Crime Family Romance

Page 39

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Charlie let out a derisive snort and raked a hand through his dark hair with a sigh. “The problem with going into the family biz is that everyone still treats me like a kid who’s playing at being a biker. Doesn’t matter that I already know as much as Jag about computers and surveillance, plus my skills are superior at this point.” He shook his head and finished off the whiskey, waving to the hot blond bartender for a refill. “It’s always how fucking cute Charlie is growing up.”

It was funny to hear a biker complaining about his job like a regular nine to five, but also kind of comforting to see there wasn’t much difference between the MC and the other working stiffs.

“Gunnar had a prospect, Ford. Built like a brick shithouse but the most adorable baby face you’d ever seen. He’s old as fuck now but he’s aged about twenty years in the last decade and they still give him shit.”

“Yeah, thanks. That doesn’t make me feel any better Maze.”

“Well, try being a girl with all these bikers. Talk about overprotective and nosy. The wouldn’t even let me in the MC. Even though Chance is patched.” I took a long drink of my margarita. Chance. I really missed her badassery. “Just wait until there’s someone beneath you in the pecking order and they’ll stop treating you like a kid. Or find a new MC,” I snorted. We both knew that wasn’t an option. It was the Reckless Bastards or it was nothing.

When the cute bartender set the second round of drinks down, he eyed me carefully but not like he was checking me out. More like he was checking up on me. Or something. “Thanks,” Charlie growled when the guy stared a little too long. “Mom said you’ve been seeing someone?”

“Are we gossiping now, Charlie?”

He shrugged, his steely gaze focused on someone or something just beyond my shoulder that put me on edge. Charlie was eagle-eyed and he didn’t miss much. I fought the urge to look back.

“Not gossiping, just trying to figure out why that asshole over there is eye fucking you.”

My body went on alert about two seconds before Charlie spoke and I knew who it was, or rather my body knew. I shook it off because it couldn’t be who I thought it was, because a guy who didn’t call after he got a smokin’ hot picture of you in nothing but jewelry and stilettos wasn’t a guy to get excited over. It would’ve been great if my body had gotten the message.

“I don’t know, Charlie. I mean you are looking pretty hot these days, maybe he’s eye fucking you?”

Recognition dawned in his gray eyes and he sat up a little straighter. “Don’t tell me the guy you’re not seeing is Virgil Ashby?”

He said it like it was a bad thing and I was immediately defensive.

“How do you know Virgil?”

“He’s one of the most ruthless mother fuckers in town. How do you know him?”

“This is starting to feel more like an interrogation than a fun night out,” I told him and finished off my drink.

“Maze, how do you know him?” he demanded.

“Please don’t start playing overprotective brother. He’s the guy who helped me when my drink got spiked here on my birthday. What’s the big deal?”

“The big deal? Christ ,Maisie, how long have you lived here and you don’t know the Ashbys?” He shook his head and stood, dropping a few bills on the table. “I gotta get going. You need a ride?”

“Nope. I’m good.”

“Just be careful and if you find yourself in trouble, call me. I’m gonna to keep an eye on you.” He dropped a quick kiss on my cheek and walked off, leaving me alone at our table inside Bullets & Beer.

Feeling the heat and weight of Virgil’s presence even before he arrived at my table, I smoothed a hand down my hair and then my top before I fixed my face into a bored expression while I sipped on some water the waitress had left. Two margaritas and a shot of tequila was just enough to take the edge off, but not enough to get me drunk. And right now, I didn’t want to be drunk.

In the split-second before my gaze landed on Virgil, I wondered what Bonnie and Charlie knew about Virgil and his family that I didn’t.

“Maisie.” Virgil’s deep voice was as smooth and honeyed as I remembered, sliding down my bare skin like a lover’s touch.

I sat up and turned to him, looking slightly surprised. “Virgil, hey.”

His full mouth kicked up to one side in an amused smile. “Sorry I ran your boyfriend off,” he said not looking sorry at all.

I laughed at the jealousy he worked hard to hide and rested my chin in my hand, a smile lingering on my face.

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