Velvet Fire - Ashby Crime Family Romance - Page 62

“It’s fine Bonnie. We’re just sleeping.”

“I need to make sure she’s safe as well,” she said and I mouthed, “I get it.”

Her lips curled into a knowing smile and she nodded. “You’re a good man Virgil Ashby,” she whispered, and, with an angelic smile on her face, she squeezed Maisie’s hand tighter and drifted back to sleep.

I must have been out of my fucking mind for this girl because I could honestly say I’d never had two women in my bed and the only thing we did was sleep.

What was it about Maisie that made her different? What was it about Maisie that made me different?

Was it just timing or was it something else?

By the time I fell asleep, I had no answers. But I had Maisie in my arms and for now, that would have to be enough.

Chapter Twenty-Six


“Yeah Jana, I’m sure. I’m fine.”

It was at least the twentieth time I’d uttered those two words. I’m fine. Eventually it would be true but until then I needed to reassure everyone.

I switched my phone to my other hand and took a long swig of my juice. “A little shaken up,” I said when I swallowed, “but I’m fine. For real.”

I’d told Peaches and Gunnar the same thing not twenty-five minutes ago and it took them too damn long to believe me.

“If you’re sure,” Jana went on, her voice filled with worry. “I told Max you should come home. I’m worried about you.”

I listened to Jana with half an ear while I watched the buzz of activity that was Ashby Manor. Housekeepers shuffled around the property in matching gray and white uniforms, like they’d been handed out by an agency. Cooks made plenty of noise on the other side of the swinging door that shielded the kitchen from view, and men in black suits with white shirts walked around with stoic expressions, carrying items sometimes or rushing off to do…something.

It was all very upscale and fancy. Nothing like the life of cutoff jeans, beer, and Harley’s that I was used to, but this was how Virgil lived. He grew up like this.

“No need to worry, Aunt Jana. I’m a big girl and I’m fine. Gunnar said there’s no reason to borrow trouble if I don’t need to.”

And his message had come through loud and clear.

“Still. You’re family and if you want to be at home, you should be here.”

I smiled and shook my head even though she couldn’t see.

“I know and I love you. But I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something happened to you, or Charlie, or Jameson, and it was my fault.”

“Oh, honey,” she whispered, fear and reality twisting inside of her. “Don’t ever think like that. We’re here for you. Always.”

“I know.” I was no longer a child, and I couldn’t keep thinking like one. Running home to Max and getting the Reckless Bastards mixed up in this was something I didn’t want to do. I was a grown damn woman, making my own decisions. Making the smart decision, even when it was hard.

“If I change my mind, you’ll be my first call.”

The air between the phones relaxed and my shoulders slumped forward as a breath rushed out of Jana.

“It better be. This man, Virgil, he’s treating you right?”

“He is.”

I didn’t know what it meant or if it meant anything, I just knew that I was grateful.

“Make sure it stays that way,” she said, her voice firm.

“Okay Jana.” There was no point arguing or telling her we weren’t there yet. Jana had her own story going in her mind and nothing I said would change it. “Talk to you soon, yeah?”

“Okay. Fine. If you need to talk, don’t hesitate to pick up the phone. I’m always here, Maze. Always.”

I swallowed around the lump in my throat and nodded.


That was the only word I managed to squeak out before tears threatened to overtake me, and I made my escape, hobbling through the nearby double glass doors and found a small garden between the main house and the adorable little guest house.

The English style garden was out of place but soothing with its tall grass and wildflowers. A variety of scents filled the air, instantly soothing my still-frazzled nerves. Slamming my eyes shut did nothing to quiet the storm inside my gut. My chest. It was nothing I couldn’t handle, but this little bit of heaven was definitely helping.

A lot.

“Gorgeous, isn’t it?” The capable alto belonged to Virgil’s sister Kat, so I nodded my agreement.

“Relaxing too,” I added because I didn’t want to be rude and because this place was doing wonders for my nerves. My erratic heartbeat and my racing thoughts.

“I hope you really do find it relaxing because you’ll need it.” I waited for the joking tone or the commiserative look but neither ever came. Kat was serious.

Tags: K.B. Winters Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024