Under My Boss's Desk - Under Him - Page 14

“I can’t,” I say weakly, before my teeth find and sink into his neck.

He holds me impossibly close and buries his face into my neck, then stills, pouring everything he has into me. Finally, his hand finds the headboard and he holds it for dear life. It is the only thing keeping him from collapsing on me.

Our eyes find each other’s, and he looks into mine for quite a while as we both try to hold our breaths.

“You are mine, Anna.”

My heart thuds against my ribcage hard enough to make me gasp.

It sounds like a declaration, the way he says it, but I don’t want to delve into that.

He is just getting caught up in the moment, I tell myself. In the heat and passion of a new, forbidden fling.

What are the chances that after this quarantine we will be together?

So instead I say, “You kept going after you came.”

He nods. “I wasn’t done and you felt too good.”

“Does that happen often?”

He lets out an incredulous laugh that makes him twitch inside me.

“Never, actually.”

When he finally pulls out of me, it is because he finally goes limp and has no other choice. When he lifts me from the bed, I almost fall down because of how weak my body feels.

Liam doesn’t say anything, instead carrying me to the shower, where he sets me on the floor and proceeds to wash and dry us both.

“You have such a gorgeous body,” he tells me. “I love your curves. I’m so glad you’re here so that I can see you naked whenever I want.”

My mind is so tired that I can’t think past how good I feel all over and how nice it feels to have him caring for me.

When he carries me to the bed, I fall asleep immediately, but not before I feel him climb in beside me and wrap his strong arms around me.

Chapter Six – Liam

Anna looks like the innocent she actually is in the mid-morning light. Her brown hair looks more like honey the more I look at it, and the freckles on her nose are more pronounced. She has never looked more beautiful to me and I want her even more.

After making love to her for the first time yesterday, we both fell asleep exhausted yet so sated. I must have been more tired than I thought because I woke up at four in the evening with Anna tucked in my arms.

She had wanted to take a proper shower and naturally I followed her in there. Of course I couldn’t keep my hands to myself but since she was sore, I tried to behave myself. It was difficult though— her hourglass shape drives me fucking insane.

I have fucked a lot of women, but with Anna, I have made love to her. The connection I feel with her, whether she is teasing me about sex, or is beneath me with her legs parted, is not common. She is innocent, of course, so how would she know?

She isn’t sure what to do with these new feelings. I can tell from how she changed the subject after we made love. I could tell by how conflicted she looked sitting on my couch when she arrived, and how she bolted when we were on screen together.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that she thinks this is only about sex. But it also doesn’t take a psychologist to be able to tell that I am going to do all I can to make her stay.

I give her a kiss on the cheek, and she murmurs something incoherent and then goes back to sleep. Unwillingly, I drag myself out of bed and cover her with the blanket as I go.

She looks so good on my bed that I am not in a hurry to get her out of it.

I call Michael for updates on the internal saboteur and he describes to me a strategy they have come up with to deduct the original IP from the proxy that has been used. Personally, I don’t know much about this aspect of computers, but I know enough to piece together the strategy. I tell him to keep me updated when he does get the culprit and then I toss the phone on the other side of our desk.

Our desk.

I really like the sound of that, and I intend to keep it that way.

The next two hours are spent with me trying to work and ending up delegating nearly all of my work for the day. Still, I print and sign a few papers before I finally give up all hope of working and decide to surprise the woman in my bed with lunch.

I am a terrible cook, always have been. Which is why I opt to heat up some chicken and Cajun rice in my freezer, put in on plates, place them on a tray, and take them upstairs to her. I get there to find her sitting on the bed looking like she just woke up. She glances up at me and her eyes go wide with surprise.

Tags: Jamie Knight Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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